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 Post subject: Combat techniques?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:01 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:15 am
Posts: 8
Thought I'd post and try and gain a better understanding of how fellow priests are playing their class, and in the process pick up some hints and perhaps some of you more experienced gamers can pass on their knowledge. Most of what I'm writing is purely observational and I'm keen for fellow priests to contribute, my goal is to be as effective a member of the team as possible.

Firstly I'd better state that in WoW I was used to playing in a support role, i.e. healing the MT etc etc. As a support class survival was largely based on managing aggro, amongst other things. Additionally the spec or talent layout was designed for that role as raid healer. Trisnic by and large mentored my Druid and taught me how best to maximise my druid, although he could never convert me to a damage dealing feral monster.

NOW - AoC does not necessarily follow the same format, and whilst Priests do have a support role in groups I know that they also need to do their fair share of damage, (now if you think I've got anything wrong then please correct me and guide me down the right path).

Solo Combat
Currently as I level I'm spending the majority of my time carefully pulling groups, I currently find that most of the time I can take down mobs of 2. I'm currently lvl 57 so I find that 2 lvl 60 mobs are tough but doable and three mobs well I seem to get my arse kicked to high heaven or on rare occasions I somehow manage to get through. So how do you priests approach a combat situation. By that I mean what is your standard gambit, how do you open the fight. If I give you an example i might make more sense. Let's see, hmmmm right pull with a smite and get a wave of life up and running followed by a quick rebuke and flame thingy, damn can't remember what that is called. Then maybe a repulse followed by a lance of Mitra for, hopefully, a healing effect. Maybe top up the old wave of life and add that other HoT spell, errr you know the one. You get the picture. so the question is how do you all progress with a fight. Sorry I'm a bit longwinded but hopefully it all makes sense. Oh and another thing how mobile are you during the fight, given that you need to be stationary to cast, I tend to be a bit rooted to one spot, perhaps this isn't a good idea, although I do try to double tap back occasionally for the brief buff you get. One other thing, shields, is it an idea to favour the more frontal protection or just keep it even?

PvP Combat
This is certainly an area I need to buff up on, I've had varying degrees of success. Do your fighting styles vary for PvP combat? If so how?

Group Combat
Again how do you Priests find group work and do all the solo rules go out of the window, or is it simply a case of max damage and keeping wave of life up on all. I've found I tend to position myself behind the main 'tank' and maintain a steady damage output but I'm wary of aggro gain. Again any hints would be great.

Raid Combat
Last bit now, and just looking for a description of how you see the priest, positioning choice of damage spells etc etc. Thus far I've not experienced real raids, (note to self, get your arse up to 80 for gods sake).

Ok so that is it, I know it is pretty much a large topic but I know I'd find it useful to steal some of my fellow priests tactics and learn best practice as some of you have already figured out. Anything regardless of how minor or indeed obvious is useful.

I'm a firm believer in a guild being a unified fighting force where knowledge and key survival skills being shared amongst all, only via this approach can we all maximise our potentials. Many of you have accrued far more experience than me, I don't consider myself a 'noob' but I know I can learn from you and in turn be an effective 'Boss Soldier'.

Thanks for reading this rambling mess of thoughts.


 Post subject: Re: Combat techniques?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:44 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:15 am
Posts: 8
Don't be afraid to state the incredibly obvious :)

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