
my bs builds for Knuckledust
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Author:  Ronald [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  my bs builds for Knuckledust

here is what Im trying out right now.,2423-05,2426-03,2427-03,2410-03,2448-01,2444-03,2445-02,2420-03,2424-03,2431-05,2425-01,2434-01,2417-13,2419-13,2407-15,2412-15,2435-13,2401-15,2402-11,2405-12,2409-15,2447-11,2400-15,2413-11,2415-11,2404-11

the main idea is that the natural health regen gets to about +240 /s which is crazy and killing you tends to prove a problem since you have heals as well.

I used to run around with:
check my recruitment thread there are 2 builds there

it was focused more on inuv. rates but I dont think they are realy worth it
and nature wrath dosnt work as it should.

Author:  LoStRe [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my bs builds for Knuckledust

Im currently using this spec. Up till now im quite satisfied with it. I find the instant fierce recovery and no cd on blood flow to be key values of this spec, and i dont loose out on the dmg that much. Only thing i loose that does hurt is the stamina regen buff talent for blood flow, but what are stamina pots for then ?:D

Author:  Ronald [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my bs builds for Knuckledust

very nice build there Teresa.
only but is that, you may be able to cast heck a lot of fierce recoveries but... you can't spam it on ppl since once they get healed once they have a CD of their own (its about 45s if I remember till they can be healed with it again)

but Its good we all have different specs we can support in different fields.

I cant spam heals like that but I have one extra hot - regrowth and I go for boosting stam regen of the grp, their damage and debufing the other team ;)
you gotta love -15% on the damme output done by your enemies.

I dont understand tho... why dont you take full blood fever for burst damge instead of Ether theft and Wild energy. you realy dont need those two as your Mana regen is amazing enough with Ether Flow.

Author:  LoStRe [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my bs builds for Knuckledust

Well i am planning on changing some talents on the spec, but ether theft with its imp talents is a good combo, doing around 1800-1900dmg on players that is and its only a 2 direction combo.
About the fierce recovery, the debuff lasts 60s but the casting time is reduced to 0sec. Im not sure if it reduces the reuse of the spell.
I tend to leave blood aspect alone, due to the large cd it triggers. Not sure if u can force remove it, will try that and if it works ill see if there is a "macro" to remove it faster than right clickin on it.[edit] You can remove, so now i just have to find a way to remove it with a macro ;p[/edit]
This is another spec i might try out, mostly the same but i loose vengeance of gods and 1.5% inv rating and gain regrowth.

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