Silvane wrote:
I still dont get why ppl hate funcom so much though, looking back i still think AoC was a pretty good game
The lies. The denials. The lack of proper rev control on their software which manifests itself every time they patch and reintroduce old bugs. Their complete irresponsibility when adjusting class balance. Which caused AoC to become known as Age of Casters. Their inability to comprehend the idea of customer support. Their gross mismanagement of their forums. Where people were actually banned for criticising the company, and threads were either locked or simply deleted.
I got a three month forum ban* for simply questioning why they had a pve nablet moderating a pvp forum. Pointing out that while he may find it fun to slap around a piece of ignorant code that will stand and let him. The rest of us prefer fighting real people. And with that comes drama, and without drama we don't have a real pvp server. And the forums on a pvp server should always be allowed some drama.
* I did actually pm him and
call him a cunt as well as bitched on the forum. But fuck sake, 3 months sin bin for that.
And I screwed up and let them take another 6 months subscription fee. So now I am playing FE, Indi is playing LOTRO, and AoC is gathering dust. Waiting for 1.06 and siege towers/guild renown/pvp class balancing/siege fixes. It's their last chance.
Yeah, there are a lot of Funcom haters out there and they have only themselves to blame.