Played 3 sessions. Servers only open for a 4 hour slot 3 times a week. sunday, tuesday and thursday.
So thought Id share some info.
The character creation is amazing! Most indepth creation in a MMO (not a mmorpg). Everything can be customised. With more options (aka decals and primitives) opening up s you rise thru the ranks.
Anyways to the game itself, first thing it is far from complete and not everything is in game yet but the solid base is there. So you come out of char creation and there 3 spots to enter, the social one, dockside and financial. only social and Financial open atm.
Social is non action, no weapons. Financial is where the game opens up. So whats the aim? Theres no story, no "lore" your a criminal or an enforcer. Ive only played Crim so thats where my point will be from of course ^_^
So I spawn next to a contact chat and pledge (thats so i can get random missions popping up to increase my standing with that contact). I drive around a bit, the city is very nicely done. very sharp graphics, very low lag (remember is early beta too) and an active NPC crowd walking and driving around minding there own business. But if they spot you doing a crime they report it in and you have a chance of an enforcer being sent against you.
So, i find a place where they take hot cars, so start stealing them and delivering. after a few I get APB flashing on screen warning me an Enforcer has been sent against you. Which is the PvP either kill, escape or try to stop them completing amission. Unless you get to a certain notorioty (sp) you cannot just attack anyone in game. no open PvP.
As you rise thru the ranks by completing missions or delivering stolen property you unlock better weapons, vehicles, char improvements (like extra HP) and decals, primitives for the design of things like tattoos for your char.
Outnumbered? Call for backup, unfortunatly on Crim side it doesnt work yet ^_^. So had a few 1v2, 1v3. Won some, lost some.
Anyways to sum up for the lazy ones^^. It's fast, its fun, it's smooth. At it's present state I have doubts about longevity as the missions are limited at the moment to only a small number of themes. Kill, evade, guard, intercept. But then again, early beta with out everything in yet. So time will tell.
Me in game ^_^