Managed to get into chinese OB, played for a few days upto level 14 sorcerer, so heres my review.
To start, to those thinking would be something really different from the normal Asian grind fests, you are going to be very disapointed, yes the level grind isnt as intensive with more quests, but you sttill looking at about 10 quests per level at 10+. Instead of 100+ levels like many asian MMOs, theres 50. Thats how you get to end level quicker as there less levels to grind.
Combat, is unoriginal and uninspired. Yes, theres a combo system, but its press fire arrow then press another attack that flashes (always the same one), thats the combo. Later after first attack button (eg fire arrow) and you get one of 2 choices for finisher, but only seen that with flight attacks.
Leading onto flight. Very limited, 2 minute flight time unless you drink VERY expensive flight pots to extend flight time. Pre level 10 you cannot fly at all, after you enter main city, Sanctum, you becaome a Daeva (sp) and gain power of flight. BUT, where you can fly is VERY limited. You cannot fly in the first zone at all, or even the main city. Where you can is in the second zone for a very small area, about 10% of that whole zone.
So wheres the grind? crafting is a very big grind, due to items you need to loot from mobs, eg minor armor (forget rest of name>.<) thingys. Low drop rate, and will need a lot to make a piece of armor, plus on loot table you are competing with accesory items, weapon items. But the main grind is money. Everything costs. and costs a lot. you get average 1-2k money a quest. you Die, you pay 1-2K per death, doesnt help being in chinese OB as lag is horrible, rubber banding. So as a squishy ive died, a lot ^_^
What you all been waiting for PvP. I havnt tried any PvP yet as that part opens at level 30. But ill tell you some spells I have to give you an idea. At lvl 14 I have a 20 second sleep (any mob), a 20 second root, a snare and a knockback that staggers too. CC fest anyone?
So, sum up. Yes, the questing is a improvement over the normal asian MMO, but enough to make it really stand out? no, not for me at all. Graphic wise it is pretty, but still nothing special as asian MMOs are all pretty. Only saving grace for me is the character creation, that does get 10/10 from me.