
Necromancer Feat Builds.
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Author:  Silvane [ Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Necromancer Feat Builds.

This will only help a few ppl as we dont have many necromancers, but here goes:) ... 0310000030

This is the build i used and attained wile leveling, i started off going for corpse explosion, followed by army of dead with general feats dureing all that. The builds about getting strong minions, the dread Archmagus is great for leveling when u finaly get it at (65) and so i tolk advantage of that with traits.

Before that though i pretty much went for traits that increased my damage and surviveability, (unholy hands is pretty amazing for damage and an early kite)

This build is also a viable raiding setup, curse of pain+8 lifestealers is sick damage, even more so because all melee in raid get the use out of curse of pain, walk with dead also increases damage of pets allot which in turn increases lifestealers healing- and youl have noticed earlier ive invested in -threat skills to help us out in this.

-Tip- Ive never used melee pets wile solo leveling, always i use Acolytes or Archmagus.

Author:  Silvane [ Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Necromancer Feat Builds.

This next build is the one i am useing at 80, it bring serious damage at the cost of pet points, mostly for PvP but can be used in pve groups/raids just fine, you prob want too ditch the -pet point skills and have pets up though(lifestealers ftw again in groups) ... 0310000230

As ive said above, this is all about damage enhanceing (8xdespoil the soul = +925 magic damage at level 80, but u cant use pets) Allot of empowering too frost blast(decent damage and cone root,yay) Grip of death is amazing(gives a -10% invuls debuff too)- Shatter= insane damage in certain situations. also noted ive got unleashed power for increased aoe size and gelid bones with slowing effect- this can slow large groups of enimies wile doing slight dot damage.

useing mostly the same general traits as last build... focus is damage with some defence thrown in.

With this build it is to be noted you will be doing things like haveing Mark of Devourer tick for 200-500 damage, along with other dots haveing a big increase- also grip of death is going to be doing 400-800 damage every 2 secs for 12.5secs(possibly up too 2000 damage/2sec on mobs).

A big tip is too do spellweaving, get the adrenaline buff from it, next get Death God, remove spellweaving and youl still have deathgod buff thus, criting allot of your spells further increaseing your damage -deathgod lasts 1 minute- which is more then long enough to destroy a few of your enimies,

No matter what pvp situation it is to be noted necromancers have a hard time soloing, and in groups you rly want to be last person too draw attention too yourself) -Aka stealth and wait till enimy is engaged by team members- if not they can kill u incredibly fast with some focus:)

Thats the two builds ive used:) hopefully other ppl can find use in them^^

Author:  Tabitha [ Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Necromancer Feat Builds.

awesome post :)! making a necro now lvling when i got the time so soon we got another lvl 80 necro:).. whats the cd on the grip of death skill? its aoe ?:D
but thanks for the tips!

Author:  Silvane [ Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Necromancer Feat Builds.

It hits target and nearby, cooldown is 30 secs which is very nice:).

Author:  Tabitha [ Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Necromancer Feat Builds.

nice:)! was thinking on atleast getting the 10+ evade buff but dunno more.. your feat tree looks pretty nice.. have you heard what billiz got? since he been necro since the release!

Author:  Silvane [ Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Necromancer Feat Builds.

Hes useing the pvp build im useing, not sure what talents exactly but i picked what i considered most useful for the build:)

Author:  Tabitha [ Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Necromancer Feat Builds.

oki:)! hard to pvp 1v1 when you dont have pet?.. at lvl 80!

Author:  Silvane [ Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Necromancer Feat Builds.

Hard too solo with or without pets at 80, ive heard some "utility type combat" can work wonders in 1v1, gonna try makeing a build for that and testing it now.

And this is why necromancer sucks solo

this guy adresses all the main issues.

Author:  Tabitha [ Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Necromancer Feat Builds.

oki! tell me how it went.. have you tryed the lich mode yet?!

Author:  Tabitha [ Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Necromancer Feat Builds.

U think this would be good? ... 2efe2f4def:

go into lich mode and so some serious dmg!

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