Adaptation is the key word in pvp in my opinion.
"If you are far from the enemy, make him believe you are near." Sun Tzu
So a specific play style is something I don't really have.
I have tried so many different styles and classes in the past games that I am pretty sure I can do well as a long range nuker in the back as in a chaotic situation in the front or as supporting/healing my team all around the field.
I NEVER work with mouse clicking (but I think that's kinda obvious for a pvper), I usually end up binding all possible combos/pots/skills/targetting/etc to both my keyboard (I run around with the RDFG keys so I have plenty of room to keybind all keys around that) and my gaming mouse (6 button Lachesis Razor).
Either way, I will definately let you know what type/job I enjoyed the most during the beta next week
edit : I do know what you mean though, rather have 1 good main and exceed in it than having 10 different characters and be mediocre in all.