Character information
Name: Stormfury Level: 80 Class: Demonologist Race: Stygian Profession(s): Alchemy tier 6, Gemcutting tier 6
Playing style: I was always more PvE orientated than PvP, even though i kept rolling on PvP servers, however with AoC i've grown hugely fond of PvP, so I have to admit that now i have second doubts when i have to choose between a PvE or PvP event.
PvP experience: I achieved Field marshall rank in WoW, and here I've been playing pretty much totem torrent as much as K can in preparation to the PvP xp system. I've been on two sieges as well against AD Clan.
PvE experience: I've played D&D online, LoTR and SW:G, but i achieved by far the most in WoW where was a member of and end-game raiding guild for over a year and a half, with which we defeated pretty much evreything pre WotLK. In AoC I've been on all pre-tier 2 raids.
Alts: Sinicus, Conq
Personal information Nationality: Croatian Age: 20 Previous MMO Experience: As mentioned before, D&D online, LoTR, SW:G, and WoW Additional info: I'm a 20 year old student which means I have so much time on my hands I'm really not sure what do anymore apart from playing 24/7, which in short means I'm practically available for the guild 90% of the time.
Availability Days/times: Every day apart from an occasional saturday night. Grind Endurance (in terms of gold/Resource grinding) (1-5, 1=lowest, 5= highest): 4 Ability and willpower to read up on forum once a day (yes/no): yes, to post as well =) Ventrilo is mandatory whenever you play, is this a problem for you?: Nope, not really.
Expectations What are your expectations from AoC: I hope AoC turns out to be an awesome game, different, yet a bit alike to other successful MMOs out there, with a steady increase of new content, both PvE and PvP.
Boss Why Boss? I've chosen Boss cause the raid progress, both PvE and PvP tells me you are highly organised, and well led, and coming from a guild that had those things in WoW I've learned to appreciate these things far more than lax or "friendly" guilds.
Who can vouch for you in Boss? I have been so caught up in grinding gear to be able to successfully raid that I've completely lost track of your members so I'm not sure if there is anyone in particular.
Last guilds name and reason for leaving? Futilez - Yes i know you're on KoS, however things are in complete shambles over there, completely disorganized and inefficient. Simply not the kind of guild i was looking forward to.