Character informationName / Level / Career / Race:Chippen 17 Shadow Warrior High Elf
Career Trees:Going for Skirmish atm, seems to be a solid pvp tree, ofc spec otherwise if I find out that thats not the case
Professions:No professions atm, they seem abit broken atm, so taking it easy there until later
Playstyle:Healer annoyance, dont really got the dps to nuke stuff down, so I primarly focus on making the healer heal himself and generally keep him away from his heal target
Personal informationNationality: Sweden
Age / Gender24 Male
Previous MMOs ExperienceMainly WoW really, have high-end raided since Molten Core, and consider myself a pretty fair WoW player
have played a smatter of other mmos, but mostly just trials and 1 month subscriptions only. Not many games have really catched my attention for longer periods of time, except for WoW and WAR.
AvailabilityDays / Times:Well, I still highend raid in WoW, which takes up most of my nights and evenings during the weekdays, but other then that I plan on playing WAR
Grind Endurance:Not what it used to be
But I've put in the whole dayer when the occasion have warranted it
Ability and willpower to read up on forums:Been a avid Mage theorycrafter since I started raiding in early WoW, its something that I've always feelt been natural when you play a game serious
Ventrilo with microphone is mandatory, is this a problem for you ?Ofc not
ExpectationsWhat are your expectations from Warhammer Online ?A fun PvP/RvR game to fill the gap between PvE raiding in WoW
What do you want to achieve in this game ?Having fun mostly, and taking a Destro city wouldnt be halfbad
BossWhy Boss?Seen you guys around, and know Bondurant from IRC, you guys seem to be serious minded regarding what you want and thats something I like having in a guild
Who can vouch for you in Boss?Well Bondurant knows how i chat, other then that I cant really say anyone in Boss knows me as a WAR player, something I hope gonna change!
Last guilds name and reason for leaving?No guild in WAR as of yet
Hope to hear from you!