Character information
Name: Gutz
Level: 60
Class: Barbarian
Race: Cimmerian
Profession(s): Weaponsmith, Gemcutter
Playing style: Supporter, Agressive if asked
PvP experience: Lineage 2, WoW ( ranked 2300 as an enhancement shaman
) EvE online
PvE experience: WoW Shaman class leader, All cleared except sunwell because i left for AoC
Alts: Ioneye, Tempest of Set
Personal information
Nationality: Spanish
Age: 22
Previous MMO Experience: Lineage 2, WoW, EvE Online.
Additional info: I was born in Venezuela, now im working and living in the Netherlands. Doing great soo far ! My english is fluent.
Days/times: Every day after work ! 17h GMT
Grind Endurability (1-5, 1=lowest, 5= highest): 4
Ability and willpower to read up on forum once a day (yes/no): Yes - More than once !
Ventrilo is mandatory whenever you play, is this a problem for you?: Is mandatory for me also!
What are your expectations from AoC: Even tho in its current state it still a great game, its my type of game and i know its not a game for everybody. But i plan on scouting every zone, killing every boss, and be there in all Battlekeep raids !
Hopefully the game will be polished in a few months.
Why Boss?
I have been in many guilds, and i can see from afar that Boss is organized and the support within the guild is excelent ( have seen you guys ingame ). You look ambitious and look like going in the right way !
Who can vouch for you in Boss?
I dont really know a lot of people. But i do know people that are aplying that are known to me, Castellion, Mirlock. However, not much, i just have me and my experience to share and improve the experience of Boss gameplay in all i can.
Last guilds name and reason for leaving?
Epsilon Team.
I joined this guild and the game wasnt released yet ! it look very organized from reading the forums, but my doubt was starting to raise as more and more people joined the guild, hundreds, and no leadership to set order and organize events made the experience not satisfactory.
No support between members and slack of communication made my decition clear.