
[Rift] ElementalRose Application
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Author:  ElementalRose [ Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  [Rift] ElementalRose Application

Character information
Name / Level / Career / Race: ElementalRose/ 27/ Mage/ BAHMI
Career Trees: Elementalist/Necromancer/Dominator
Professions: Willing to involve myself in what Boss is looking for
Playstyle: Hardcore PVP/PVE ready to follow orders

Personal information
Nationality: America
Age / Gender: 21/Male
Previous MMOs Experience:
Ace Online (Level 80 A-Gear, considered one of the best. Was Sub-Leader of Cruxis Redux the top guild on the server) Game felt apart GM took over

Rf Online (Level 50 Striker, joined a very great guild ShadowLegion. Guild was very organized and was lead by a great leader) Codemasters sold the game

Kal Online (Level 68 Archer, hardest game to level by far was able to hit 68 after years of playing)

2Moons (Level 121 Baggy Warrior, was in many guilds never found a guild that stayed together long enough to fully play the game)

Warhammer (Level 10, played the endless trial with friends to try it out but never got into it)

Cabal (Level 100+ Force Bladder, Ominuius Faction-became one of the best players eventhough guild never reached that rank) End-Game PvP wasnt worth the stay

Days / Times: Everyday/10am-2am MST
Grind Endurance: Willing to grind 8+ hours a day
Ability and willpower to read up on forums: Highly capable and willing to make 5+ post a day
Voice Comms with microphone is mandatory, is this a problem for you ? No, it's important to have voice communication in a PVP guild

What are your expectations from Rift? Highly anticipated to play RIFT looks very promising, mostly anticipated by knowing GM's are active and are listening to the players. Hopefully Boss can be the guild im looking for and help conquer the world of RIFT.

What do you want to achieve in this game? Seeking a guild that is all about PVP along with aspects of PVE, seeking to find great leadership with a challenging aspect to their members. Unlike most guild that expect guildmates to be active I am seeking Boss to be able to aspect great things from their members not just from their officers.

Why Boss? When looking for a possible guild I spent a few hours looking through threads in the forums. I came upon Boss and saw their play style matches my goals in games. Feel like Boss can be right place for me, I'm very active and can follow orders look forward to teammates who can also take commands as well as give them.
Who can vouch for you in Boss? Not sure, I have a long history of games might met a few in game
Last guilds name (and reason for leaving)? Last guild I been in for over a month would include Cruxis Redux from Ace Online left due to server failing apart. I been applying to other Rift guilds but saw they don't meet what I'm looking for and stop further application process.

Rate yourself from 1-10 (10 being the best, 5 being average, 1 being little experience)
Teamplay (1-10): 10, I'm a great team player I played many sports as a child and crafted team play. I come from a long line of great guilds from previous games who expected their members to follow officers/leader orders.

PVP Skill (1-10): 8, having played many games that involve much more than click and attack I been able to use not only player skills but team work to get ahead and win.

PVP Experience (1-10): 8, I played many great MMO's and anticipated all aspects of pvp.

Survivability (1-10): 8, depends on the situation if guild need someone to take one for the team/willing sacrifice myself for a healer or reviver to be able to keep other team members alive

Ability to follow instructions (1-10): 10, willing to follow orders, I understand English and have a working mic and can expect to follow all orders given.

Author:  Iceberg [ Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Rift] ElementalRose Application

Thank you for your application ElementalRose.

From what I have seen in your past experience in the last MMO's it shows me that you have a high grinding endurance and that you do not hop from characters, but on the otherside it also shows that you were never involved in really high level hardcore PvP Battles; since most of those games didn't have really competitive PvP. Nontheless if you are good teamplayer I don't see why you couldn't evolve to an even better player at Boss. To sum it all up, I believe you have the ability to become a real hardcore pvp BOSS player. Don't let me down. ;)

You got my vouch.

Author:  Ajesto [ Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Rift] ElementalRose Application

Okey a few questions here, first of how do you plan to play when you live in america.
You know that our primetime will proboly be your 1200 - 20.00?

And are in in Bloodpact along with me? What ups with that?
I applied to BP and changed my mind and decided on a EU server and ended up here.
Why are you here?

Author:  Vendetta [ Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Rift] ElementalRose Application

He can stalk the enemy when we're asleep LOL :)

But true, we are an EU guild, unless we are preparing to make a US squad playing on EU server for keeping us active 24/7 it will be hard for him to play with us during our prime times?

Author:  Amrix [ Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Rift] ElementalRose Application

Ajesto wrote:
Okey a few questions here, first of how do you plan to play when you live in america.
You know that our primetime will proboly be your 1200 - 20.00?

nice app, but how come you want to play on an EU server? ;)

Author:  ElementalRose [ Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Rift] ElementalRose Application

Yea, I read international but nvm EU is to far. I left Bloodpact they never noticed me as a member

Author:  Ajesto [ Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Rift] ElementalRose Application

I first got into BP who prolly is gonna be the most succesfull pvp guild on the US servers, but the hours is gonna kill me, therefor I rather find a eu guild.

About BP is retarded if you to leave BP because they dont pay attention to you at a forum 1 month before the release of a game. You wasted you chance in bloodpact, If I were a EST player I could demolish with bloodpact, but I gotta play by GMT timezones and then Boss is the place to be.

Btw guys, this dude got into Bloodpact together with me, bloodpact is the "top" us pvp guild atleast for beta 4, they really marked themself, I dropped them for you, and so did this guy! Thats a double possitive, for BOSS.
Keep it up guys! We will do great in Rift :)

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