
Rift rogue app (tank and/or bard)
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Author:  Flowerpot [ Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Rift rogue app (tank and/or bard)

Character information (if known)
Name / Level / Career / Race

Flowerpot/ 31(atm)/rogue/mathosien (or however u spell it (the human looking one lol)

Career Trees

1. Riftstalker/Bladedancer/Bard


none as of yet


comfortable tanking support or dps, dont some healing too, happy doing it all

Personal information


Age / Gender


Previous MMOs Experience

WoW mainly, some aion WaR and FFXiV

Days / Times

probably 8h+ a day usually 6-7 days (no lifer i know)

Grind Endurance

no issue grinding if needed

Ability and willpower to read up on forums

alwys on forums reading and posting (goes hand in hand with being a good player)

Voice Comms with microphone is mandatory, is this a problem for you ?

got mic, vent skype and TS

What are your expectations from Rift?

Basically a new game to satisfy me

What do you want to achieve in this game ?

PVE and PVP to a high standard also fun loving guild who is active and up for doing things all the time

Why Boss?

played with alot of u guys in game during this beta (beta 6) and u seem nice friendly and skileld

Who can vouch for you in Boss?

Tindra for sure, probably vega but havent asked for his consent, and played with a few others although didnt get everyones names

Last guilds name (and reason for leaving)? none in rift, played in numerous world top 50 guilds in WoW up till cata (lost interest in game now though, played too long)

Rate yourself from 1-10 (10 being the best, 5 being average, 1 being little experience)
Teamplay (1-10) 8
PVP Skill (1-10) 7 ( i always try to improve but am not as good as i would like)
PVP Experience (1-10) 8
Survivability (1-10) 9 (dont die much through mistakes in pve and pvp everyone dies lol)
Ability to follow instructions (1-10) 10 (pride myself on my ability to listen and follow instructions, if i dont know i will ask and if i dont understand soemthign i will not pretend that i do)

overall played MMOs to a very high standard for years now, looking for a guild with active skilled players and Boss is the best i have seen up till now

i know u say recruitment is closed but due to skill lvl and having played with alot of guild members i thought i would post anyway and hope for the best :D

if no spot is open then GL in rift, ill no doubt see u all around


Author:  Amrix [ Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rift rogue app (tank and/or bard)

seems like you know what class you want to play and have practised some dif trees, what's gonna make you stand out? we have a bunch of rogues already...

Author:  Vendetta [ Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rift rogue app (tank and/or bard)

Amrix wrote:
seems like you know what class you want to play and have practised some dif trees, what's gonna make you stand out? we have a bunch of rogues already...

I definately vouch for him and I think Tindra (Geas) will do so as well.

Been doing a couple of instances with Flower during last beta and he tanks better than most warrior tanks I have been with ;-)

Pvpwise I have seen him in a couple of duels which he was able to win but haven't been able to see him in a warfront yet or I haven't dueled him either yet.

For what it counts, he got my vote.

Author:  Flowerpot [ Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rift rogue app (tank and/or bard)

Amrix wrote:
seems like you know what class you want to play and have practised some dif trees, what's gonna make you stand out? we have a bunch of rogues already...

Ty for the vouch i very much appreciate it

to answer the above question, i would have to say my experience and the level at which i have played in MMO's along with the fact i not only wanna learn my class (calling + souls) i try to learn every other as well, this helps me to understand all aspects of the classes and as such can play mine better as i know what to expect when either facing other players in pvp or partying with them in pve- what spells and abilities do they have what buffs/debuffs can they bring etc

i have always been told i play well no matter what role i do but what sets me apart from most is i never settle with my own skill i always strive to be better as i think there is always new things to learn and ways to improve, and normally i am happy to share anything i have learned on either forums or in game- the more i can pass on then the more random players learn = less fail players, and i think we would all like that :P

i understand rogue is a popular role but as i want to main riftstalker and offspec bard i feel like i am playing the least common souls of the rogue trees (havent seen another riftstaker in any beta yet except pvp hybrids)

i am also more than happy to jump on vent skype or whatever to talk "face to face" as its normally very easy from talking to people to see who knows thier stuff and who doesnt :)

Author:  GGthx [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rift rogue app (tank and/or bard)

Ok this is my thoughts, I am not directing this at you but this is what I would do right now if i wanted to join us and one day be as good as I already am.

I would speak with the couple of guys you have teamed up with, find out who are the most important guys in Boss, ie Boss' Boss / Officers etc.

I would then msg them in game or on here, ask if in next beta etc if you can spend an hour or two grouped up cos your keen to join and wanna show you know what your doing etc.

As then if you are good, and an Officer / GM agrees they will invite and overall the "No Recruitment" we currently have.


Author:  Josri [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rift rogue app (tank and/or bard)

Last guilds name (and reason for leaving)? none in rift, played in numerous world top 50 guilds in WoW up till cata (lost interest in game now though, played too long)

Numerous guilds? Sounds a bit like a clanhopper to me

Author:  Flowerpot [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rift rogue app (tank and/or bard)

not clanhopper at all,
please understand i played wow since beta vanilla which is about 7 years or so, and not all the guilds i was in stood the test of time, as with any hardcore guilds alot of the time people either burn themselves out witht the pace or clear all the game has to offer at that time and get bored and move on. i have in all my 7 years only left 2 guilds that werent disbanding etc and one was because i had to break for exams and when i came back there was no raid spots for me in pvp/pve anymore, which was fine (such is the nature of hardcore guilds) and 2 was the guild i joined straight after who promised this and that- hardcore guild, dedicated players etc, and i left after a month cause they couldnt get a full raid on any given night and people who did come turned up unprepared...

i was in Jokers & smokers -2 years
A Few Good Fellas- 2 years (world top 100 at the time)
Apex- 2 years (currently world top 50)

and a few others in between, the main reason there has even been a few others is that when my guilds disbanded (J&S and AFGF) they were the best guilds on thier respective servers and as such i dont wanna go to a lesser guild so i look to another server for a guild with equal standing or better... which is why there were a few times i got promised a good guild and it didnt work out.

again sorry if i gave off the wrong impression, better at voice communication than typing what i mean to say, but i am in this game for the long haul and want to make sure i have a dedicated guild around me from the head start, as suggested above i have no issues grouping with u guys in a dungeon or WF to prove myself, i will try my best and hopefuly u see my potential and can give me feedback on what u see (even critisism is welcome)


Author:  Blaster [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rift rogue app (tank and/or bard)

You are as old as I am. Do you study or have a job? Do you live at parents house?

Sry, just curious. :p

Author:  Wizard [ Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rift rogue app (tank and/or bard)

If you like playing healer/support and change your class to cleric , you will have a bigger chance of getting invited !

Author:  Razx [ Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rift rogue app (tank and/or bard)

played in battle grounds with this guy he knows what hes doing :)

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