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 Post subject: App: 80 Demonologist
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 1:20 pm 

Joined: Sat Jun 28, 2008 12:51 pm
Posts: 135
Location: England
Character information
Name: Alevia
Class: Demonologist
Profession(s): Armorsmithing, no 2nd (Weaponsmith, Gemcutter on my first alt (lvl 73))
Playing style: As hardcore as the game allows
PvP experience: Plenty of PvP experience from Lineage to Archlord (urgh) been playing MMOs for best part of 10 year now.
PvE experience: Again plenty, although its slightly different in everygame, highest level of PvE experience would be WoW in a server first and top 100 guild.
Alts: 2 Alts, lvl 73 Conqueror (first main) and lvl 48 ToS (created out of having nothing to do)

Personal information
Previous MMO Experience: Started out in smaller less known MMOs Saga of Ryzom, Knight Online and moved up to Star Wars Galaxies which was my first major MMO that i played Hardcore, breif flings with Lineage, DAoC, Archlord and Everquest, didnt like Guild Wars, then past 2year has been spent playing WoW until AoC came out.
Additional info: Not much to say, always try hard to better myself and the class im playing, very dedicated and focussed to acheiving the goals set out before me. Bit fo atheorycrafter so i know what works and what doesnt, altho AoC is pretty limiting in that department.

7 days all times, work restrictions mon-friday but normally home for 17:00 GMT but sometimes little later. Your seige times are pretty decent so will never be a factor.
Grind Endurance (in terms of gold/Resource grinding) (1-5, 1=lowest, 5= highest):would say 4, Was one of the first batch of 80s so was up to us to push for the Battlekeep slot by pushing the harvesting as much as possible, already have full "tier 1" set (if you can call it that)
Ability and willpower to read up on forum once a day (yes/no): Yes, generally check forums and funcom forums before i log on, see whats new and what new tricks/tips can be learnt, wether we have anything planned for the evening etc, active poster.
Ventrilo is mandatory whenever you play, is this a problem for you?: Nope, been using Vent forever. Speak and Listen.

What are your expectations from AoC:
Im pretty open with my expectations for AoC, pre-release i had a more narrow view as to wanting to be the best guild on the server, a feared player (skill wise, not ganking) and attain all the glory, respect (and jealousy) of getting things done before anyone else. Server first PvE kills, Server first "Warlord" etc. Got to get all the bugs out of the way to achieve that tho.

Why Boss?
Easy question, you seem to have your heads screwed on.

I want to be in a guild that has a goal has a focus, will work together to achieve its goals and not mess around, im a hardcore player at heart and i need a "hardcore" guild to be able to have fun in this game,

Who can vouch for you in Boss? I dont know anyone personally which is why im trying to make a decent enough impression, have fought against Amrix and a few others from your clan from time to time on my first character Alexandrea (conq) and grouped with Bondurant a few times whilst levelling up my Conq, but i wouldnt put any name down to vouch for me.

Last guilds name and reason for leaving? Epsilon Team, Currently on my 2nd alt whilst waiting for my current guild to actually wake up and smell the coffee and get to level 80 and at some point, not experiencing what the game has to offer is getting me down and im not having fun. Boss would seem like Fun.

I know im not one of the high priority classes your requesting atm, but i hope i stand out enough to be the type of player your after.



 Post subject: Re: App: 80 Demonologist
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:41 pm 
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Joined: Mon May 26, 2008 1:27 am
Posts: 649
Location: France
Hi, feats tree please !


 Post subject: Re: App: 80 Demonologist
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:24 pm 

Joined: Sat Jun 28, 2008 12:51 pm
Posts: 135
Location: England
Feats, i have 2 builds i like, one Conflag one Havoc.

Havoc (Current): ... f2e2def5ef

Havoc: Having levelled up pretty much 2 Charcters solo i always chose a more solo oriented build, and havoc was great for this, a wide range of CC with a few tricks to throw out if you get in trouble, relies on Rooting and moving, staying behind your target so they dont get the chance to do too much dmg, great build for 1-80 but falls short past 80 and into the mass pvp game. The one defining skill of Havoc, well 2, are the Knockbacks, but with greater and greater resistance to it in the tier 1 sets it becomes less and less reliable and so the switch to Conflag.

Conflag (what im most likely switching to) : ... 2def5ef:33

Conflag: This is what i call my "Stealth" Demo build, relies very heavily on getting off the first attack in that it reduces the ammount of CC you have at your disposal (no 2 knockbacks) only 1 stun, 2 roots. but its all you need. Played around with the fire spec a little and while ther are some novalty feats (impish Horde) it still holds alot of utility (buffing grp for more dmg) and the IWIN spell for Demonologists "Greater Flames". Combined with the "hit this target" spell Gate of Hell, which can be used as a focus target for raid/pvp situations due to its obvious graphic.

Archamage Talent used in both specs to up the dmg of the off-spec aoe, it is possible to "chain" both AoEs, but not reliably so having the 2nd do top dmg is priority, obviously doesnt matter for PvP but its nice to have both AoEs usable in PvE.

I think the best role for Demo in pvp is not up front, because we simply dont last long enough when there are melee/ToS around. Its between the healers and melee, so were not in the direct firing line, but we are enough of a concern to draw attention away from healers. from messing around on ETs Battlekeep i think our best place by far is gate defense, 3 or 4 demos with one healer atop the gate is insane dmg for anyone attacking the gate, activate Pact and Tome and unleash the AoE whilst being out of line of sight, with the added bonus if you decide to spellweave your AoE should be hitting for 1k on each target if not more.

Can be contacted in game on my alt Onarr.


 Post subject: Re: App: 80 Demonologist
PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:37 pm 

Joined: Sun May 25, 2008 7:58 pm
Posts: 197
application shows sufficient promise and you've been approved. contact bondurant, trisnic or amrix ingame for invite. thread closed.


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