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Author:  GGthx [ Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Guardian

Character information
Name: GGthx - AkA Internet Superhero :p
Level: 70, 71, 72, 73, now 74, only been on this server a week tho
Class: Guardian
Race: Cimmarian
Profession(s): Armour / Gems
Playing style: Aggressive PvP
PvP experience: 12 yrs (UO, Shadowbane, DaoC, SWG, Eve, EQ2, L2, WoW, Vanguard, DnL etc etc)
PvE experience: blah blah, done everything everywhere but tbh PvE is hmm what used to get gear to PvP :D
Alts: None on this server (I Have 2 x 80 (PoM & Ranger), 1 x 64 (Necro) 1 x 59(Guardian) on US PvP)

Personal information
Nationality: Engrish
Age: 33
Previous MMO Experience: See PvP
Additional info: Whats a cimmarians favourite riddle ?

Days/times: Every Day, week nights 6 till early morning, Sat & Sundays
Grind Endurance (in terms of gold/Resource grinding) (1-5, 1=lowest, 5= highest): Grind grind grind if there is a purpose :D so 6
Ability and willpower to read up on forum once a day (yes/no): Everyone should read forums and look at feat builds and solo tactics aswell as PvE tactics everyday, look out for other rival guilds posting shit so we can go spoil there plans
Ventrilo is mandatory whenever you play, is this a problem for you?: Nope vent is a necessity, and TS blows

What are your expectations from AoC: My personal expectations are to be as well known on this server as i am on US, known for being a pain in the ass to kill, and one to avoid in the open world

Why Boss? I made a mistake and joined an old friend in another guild whom a thought were PvP orientated but found out they were just some zerg zero skilled guild, and noticed in kesh your guild in PvP and thought thats where i belong.
Who can vouch for you in Boss? come fight with me and find out pls
Last guilds name and reason for leaving? pls see above, I have played in same US guild for 12 yrs, however due to working normal shifts atm there raid times do not suit me so taking a break from them to have some fun in europe.

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