
Arcus, lvl 80 Ranger
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Author:  Arcus [ Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Arcus, lvl 80 Ranger

Character information
Name: Arcus
Level: 80
Class: Ranger
Race: Cimmerian
Profession(s): Weaponsmith, Alchemy (Haven't been working on it)
Playing style: I like playing together as a group, especially when having a healer fighting by my side.
Else i like sneaking up on my foe, unnoticed of my surrounding and banging them in their neck with my flame barrage.

PvP experience: Fighting through my lvling and also a bit of minigames / world pvp. Due to lack of content and pvp I haven't been focusing pvp that much.
PvE experience: None, I've raided as a pug group with Kr0m and randoms in Kylliki's crypt, downing Champion for the first time.
Alts: Faer

Personal information
Nationality: Sweden
Age: 17
Previous MMO Experience: Before i went to Conan i was playing in a high endgame guild called Aspire on WoW (Bloodfeather). I played with them for 3 years, raiding from Zul'gurub to Sunwell. But also loved pvping. I did only reach rank 11 but due to sharing my computer with my sister i couldn't reach my goal (Thanks god shes gone and i got my own computer now)
Additional info: I've always loved games in any forms, mostly where you can lvl and become better.

Days/times: Everyday for now, When school starts i will come home by 15:00~
Grind Endurance (in terms of gold/Resource grinding) (1-5, 1=lowest, 5= highest): 4, Ive grinded since 80
Ability and willpower to read up on forum once a day (yes/no): Yes
Ventrilo is mandatory whenever you play, is this a problem for you?: No problems

What are your expectations from AoC: When i first heard of Conan i was impressed about the way of fighting and having your own guild village. And siege pvp is problaby my most expected event so far.

Why Boss? Because, Boss has always been everywhere (At least it feels so), therefor it feels like a big guild with active and strong members.
Who can vouch for you in Boss? Nobody, i think?
Last guilds name and reason for leaving? Evil Inc, I left it due to inactivity. I tried everything to keep it up but its hard alone.

My computer (I choosed this as a extra subject, as i think it should be good to know)
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 2x Dual Core Processor 6000+ 3.00GHz
Videocard: Nvidia GeForce 8600 GS
Ram: 4000+

Author:  Byronara [ Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arcus, lvl 80 Ranger

Speak in game with Byrona or lovely

Author:  Arcus [ Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arcus, lvl 80 Ranger

Alright, Just noticed when you said Byrona you actually meant your alt (or your new main?) i just added you, ive missed Lovely all the time i guess, been doing some stuff irl

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