Character information
Thaak / 40-46 / Magus / Chaos
Career Trees -This depends what I'm doing and who with. Recently I've been playing
around with Change as it has some some AoE as well as nuke potential. That said, for
PvP with a group of players working as a team, there isn't anything more fun that
Daemonology and the wonderful Chaotic Rift. Not much use to anyone in PvE but PvE in
this game is merely a means to an end to make you better in PvP.
Professions - Salvaging/Talisman (Both 200)
Playstyle - Something of a conflict there. I like to kill kill kill players but I
don't particularly like doing it on my own, with randoms or... zerg. I want to be
playing with people I know/trust/respect who knows... love?
Personal information
Nationality - English
Age - 28
Gender - Male
MMOs for me started with Neocron. I don't know if any of you were lucky enough to
play that game but it has some similarities to WAR, there were open areas to fight in
and different factions would fight to take control of objectives. I think the
benefits of doing so were much better in Neocron but hey, it's early days for WAR
yet. Then it was EVE. Lots of fighting in spaceships. Next was WoW from Beta to TBC
as a Mage until I burned out with raiding X times a week for X hours. Then I played
Guildwars and flirted with Tabula Rasa for a short while then WAR.
Availability - Weekdays is evenings around 7-12. Weekends are generally more.
Grind Endurance - That's pretty hard to quantify. I am always ready to work for
something if there is need for myself or for friends but I wouldn’t want to spend my
life killing exploding snotlings for a title…
Forums – I would mostly read when I need a break at work. Should keep me up to date
a few times a day I’d say.
Ventrilo with microphone is fine.
I expect Warhammer Online to evolve and continue to make PvP (oRvR) the focus of the
game and give us more reason and rewards for doing it and thereby make the game more
What do I want to achieve? I want to kill lots of people and have fun doing it.
This part I can answer all in one really. I find in this game a marked lack of team
work. People either don’t want to or don’t know how to work together. Perhaps that
is the side effect of a server where rvr is unrestricted and it just attracts mad
selfish killers who are only out for themselves. I’m not like that and it annoys me
intensely. That same mentality was shown by several members of my own guild Deathrow
and I need to get away from it. Iceberg and Tolgon tell me that Boss is the place to
go and I have grouped with some of you a few times before and I thought it went well.