Character information
Name / Level / Career / Race | Xmo / 40 r58 / Talismanmaking 200 / Sorc
Career Trees
Professions | Scaveging
Playstyle | ----
Personal information
Nationality | Sweden
Age / Gender | 35 / male
Previous MMOs Experience | Vanguard max lvl geared up..
| wow lvl 80 rouge
| aoc 8 chars all abouve lvl 75 .. 3 or 4 of them är lvl 80
Days / Times | allways /
Grind Endurance | good stamina
Ability and willpower to read up on forums | real bad
Ventrilo with microphone is mandatory, is this a problem for you ? | use my own server 24/7.. so no problem..
What are your expectations from Warhammer Online ? | have fun and kill as much orders you can..
What do you want to achieve in this game ? | to have the coolest loot so i can kill order
Why Boss? | recomended by wizard and tolgon
Who can vouch for you in Boss? | wizard and tolgon, and more
Last guilds name and reason for leaving? | server police (stopped playing), deathrow (now dieing one is online and i cant do anyting but grind renown..
Regards mo