
Kr0m goes WAR also :)
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Author:  LoStRe [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kr0m goes WAR also :)

Get a statue of yourself in the square of the capital city!! :P

Author:  Alevia [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kr0m goes WAR also :)

One major problem with WaR is we only get to be hated by half the server :(

Author:  Tabitha [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kr0m goes WAR also :)

Hehe.. if we choose the right skilled server i think we gonna have some probs getting hated.
we arent that skilled as a team :p!

Author:  Bondurant [ Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kr0m goes WAR also :)

Tabitha wrote:
(..) we arent that skilled as a team :p!

Yeah because you're a team player, right ?

Author:  Tabitha [ Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kr0m goes WAR also :)

what you mean? the guild boss hasnt rly done much pvp together to known eachother on the battleground..and Im pretty sure pro guild that been playing for tons of year will join warhammer and smash our faces;:)! So i think it wouldnt be that easy to get hated.. becoz wildsoul is a newb server:D!

Author:  Castellion [ Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kr0m goes WAR also :)

Tabitha wrote:
what you mean? the guild boss hasnt rly done much pvp together to known eachother on the battleground..and Im pretty sure pro guild that been playing for tons of year will join warhammer and smash our faces;:)! So i think it wouldnt be that easy to get hated.. becoz wildsoul is a newb server:D!

Wildsoul server is a total wank server imo with hardly any PVP. I know for a FACT that when we DID do TEAM PVP we won almost EVERY time. The people that bothered their asses to team up were good. Sometimes it was the same people and we got to know how each other PVP'd and there wasn't a Guild to touch us unless it was a server Zerg against us!!!

So, for you to say we didn't PVP as a team is total bollox imo...

Author:  Tabitha [ Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kr0m goes WAR also :)

when did i say we didnt pvp as a team?! come on.. wildsoul is full of newbs.. i can say that its no good skilled guild on wildsoul.. exertion was abit good but none else!
I know we got skilled ppl in the guild but i think pro guild thats been playing for year and are skilled will smash us in the start.. IF we choose a skilled server! If u been playing against pro teams before its no easy job mr..
But what do i know.. im a newbface:o!

Author:  Castellion [ Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kr0m goes WAR also :)

newbface o.0

Nah, it makes no difference how long we have played togeather at all. 90% of us have played several other MMO's at the highest level (that was the only reason for access to Boss in AOC as I remember). It would take a matter of a few weeks to get used to a server, new character and eachother. Lets face it, childish comments appart, it's not like we are a bunch of spotty, cum filled 15 year olds is it?

I would like to think we are inteligent enough to know what the other is thinking and be able to counteract any problem as it occurs.

AOC is terrible and the PVP is one of the worst I have seen. I know it's not easy to work against the, as you say "Pro" players but we aint that bad ourselves and Boss players history in MMO's is vast and varied and know what it's like to both fight against the "Pro" players and BE a "Pro" player.....

Just my own thought's on Boss as a whole....

Author:  Tabitha [ Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kr0m goes WAR also :)

Ofcoz if you say a random team is as good as a team that been playing a while together.
If i know the playstyle to everyone im playing with and such.. I think ive been alot better in that group!
But if u dont think it matter thats oki.. but i do:)!
finish with this..

Author:  Silvane [ Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kr0m goes WAR also :)

as you say Tab, wildsoul didnt rly challenge us, i think we have allot of potential- beyond what weve done in wildsoul, we as individials are great players- perhaps we need too increase in teamplay slightly but theirs plenty of time in WAR too do so.

To say we arnt skilled as a team... hmm i guess u couldsay that but tbh like i said weve never rly had to play to our best, we could continue playing at the same level in Wildsoul and dominate it, if WAR pushes us too improve we will do so.

Not too mention were not exactly a full recently made guild... many of the players have played together going all the way back too SWG.

Also to add, ive seen guilds who were just created and totally owned every1 else... look at WoW guilds, a vast majority of the best guilds were made in WoW, and not before it.

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