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 Post subject: Warhammer review by Lovestobite
PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:03 pm 
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Ok, you don't know this guy, but he writes several good posts on betaleaks and he's quite objective because he started by hating Warhammer like everyone who played the first beta does. Remember latest beta build (3.3) totally improved the game like if it was favela and now it's hollywood villa, graphics are now in high resolution, animations are smooth and cool, combats are precise and smooth, everything feels to get alot of improvements.

So here it comes :

Lovestobite wrote:
Well we have alittle downtime and I've been waiting to tell someone something for ages rofl.
Happened upon this site the other day and went for it.
Now that we are all mashed into one server it's easier to write this.

So this isn't gonna be a by the numbers review. This is a beta, and the game changes so drastically between versions that a review written last week saying sorcs are useless can be overwritten now.(which it did lol)

I will give my take on the game as a whole and the role of each class regardless of how OP or underpowered it seems atm. (well classes I played)

Warhammer online rocks. Just as addictive as WoW but with one added bonus, less time requirement. If I play for an hour before I go to work, I can still manage a few things and not feel like I wasted time.
I can play a few scenarios, do a PQ perhaps, maybe a quest if it's local.
All that in an hour.
It still has the addictive pull that makes you want to play for 8 hours before you realize your chair is not your toilet and your body needs food.
Just the first MMO to truly allow you the freedom to play when you can and not feel punished for it. Even in T4.

This is a seperate entity in my eyes. Since you can get XP through this it becomes a whole game in it's own. You can step in the world, queue up a scenario, and then play RvR(PvP) till your eyes bleed. And it doesn't feel too bad to do.
With the Battle Ranking a lvl 1 can still do things, though limited.

So far my opinion of the scenarios are good.
Now remember 99.9% of them are pugs at this point.
I enjoy the T1 ones the most I think.
Ekrunds is a blast, really felt like a good team can make good gameplans.
Khaines is a blast, literally, I love watching everyone burn, even me.
Nordenwatch has finally gotten fun now that it's even. Honestly I think destruction has been dominating for a bit.
I haven't really had a chance to play all of them since after T1, Dwarf/Green and Elf zones are dead in the water.
Will talk about that later on.
Once organized groups and guilds get together, the upper ones will get more fun I think. They require larger groups and more work, if you mob it's easy to get flanked and outsmarted.

I really like most of the designs because there are usually 2-3 ways to any objective. And almost always a side flanking route.

Open RvR is insane.
Still a mob lately, but since scenarios weed out those who want a quick fix, it gets a tad more organized.
Keeps are quite fun to siege. Haven't had alot of use with the weapons, but they hurt. No one shots though, but like 25%-50% in a single blow from what I have seen from a Order Cannon.
Even just Battle Objectives can get hairy.
There will be no shortage of battle on the open range.
And T4 keeps are just massive. Huge walls, moats, spikes, lots of obstacles to get through and it makes me think of the castle siege in Willow.
A million things going on at once. Feels like war in a movie.

Now I will focus a bit and tackle classes.

Witch Hunter:
I put him first because he may just be my favorite class in the game, or any MMO.
Now his dps isn't gonna drop someone in 3 seconds or anything. He's more about picking your spots.
You can drop any class 1v1 in my experience.
I have soloed a Chosen, shaman, maruader, witch elf, sorc, and DoK and finished the battle with 50% of health.
But in a group situation you will get FF quite a bit and your not made to handle that.
Your role is to really wait for the bait to come to your group, or to try to lay a trap for a lone or dmged healer/caster.
The stealth is improved as of last patch, but it's still very easily seen through by anyone.
TBH I rather hide in the scenery and then just use the stealth to get close and open. Relying on it like WoW stealth will get you killed.
Now you get some leeway with your gun since you get some range on a couple of finishers which is excellent for any runners.
Lots of fun class and the look is pretty fun as well.

Really can be played in a few different ways. Can be med-short range or long, and you can really play with the turrets for fun as well.
Grenades don't pack as much of a punch as your long ranged, but the utility of them will make a smart user deadly.
The grenades really work together well and can really cripple someone.
Turrets you kinda need to hand steer at targets and I found them better when doing long range and could pick out targets. Best part is they tend to be ignored, so plop one in a crowd, set on aggresive and watch it go nuts.

Didn't really play anything else enough to say more, but can try if anyone wants to know.

Witch Elf: Well this gal is nasty, but requires more tact than her mirror. You have to stay in melee range at all time so no easy picking off runners.
Alot more pain can be dished out. She feels much more group reliant though and I found it hard to really take out a healer in the back unless they were quite alone. She stacks up more dmg on a target and conditions than a WH so it's all on what you like.

Disciple of Khaine:
Blown away at how good this class ended up being. I was thinking generic paladin all the way till I took him to RvR.
Man this guy is awesome. Only thing is, your not really a healer lol.
Your an assist, you can top someone off or give a helping hand in a pinch to add 10seconds to your life. You really can't handle solo healing alone without spamming and you run out of your side AP quickly(forgot name for DoK, Divine Fury for WP).
Your dmg is quite respectable though.
I usually placed in top 3 for dmg, and top 5 for healing in a scenario.
Fun part is that your channeling spell is your best healing. Quite fun to be bashing on someone while doing your best healing.
Your a jack of all trades master of none.
Good DPS, good armor, good healing. Nothing incredible in any category.
Good class for someone who likes a little of everything(cept casting lol)

The group tank for destruction. His auras come in handy in large scale situations and is usually better suited for outdoor activity.
His dmg is not anything that will catch your attention, so in scenarios you are really ignored alot. Taunt helps, but not so much that you will drop a melee dps before he drops your healer.
Two-handers are great for solo PvE. In RvR though to really survive and play a role, sword and board is where it's at.
I'm a DPS'er at heart so I tryed rolling him a two-hander chosen. I really never felt like I was putting out tons of dmg, but the amount I took got a big increase.
Fun fun class though. You can juggle the auras like an old school EQ-bard, but then it's hard to really throw more than an ability or two in between.
If you play him as a wall of iron and flesh to stop enemies in their tracks, then you feel the true power of the chosen.
Very very hard to take down. Even if I know I can win 1v1 the concern for me is merely that by the time I take him down, he will have backup and a chance to get out alive.
Anyone who wants a core tank class with some good additives, this is the place to go.

Black Orc:
Wow. Massive Roaring Green Block of Flesh!
These guys are crazy and their abilities are quite versatile. Really designed to keep one guy busy, and dead.
They do get some AOE but his bread and butter is forcing someone 1v1.
Just as sturdy as Chosen, but his abilities are better for isolation of a target then really handling a group.
You can peel a DPS off a healer pretty well, you can trap a healer/caster for everyone else to rip to shreds even better.
Didn't get a chance to roll 2hndr cause they didn't have a whole lot in the game when I played him.
Loved this tank.
Loads of strategy here since your tiers really control your actions.
Stage 1 is mostly small dmg, debuffs, or a buff to you
Stage 2 is utility mostly. snares, debuffs, bigger armor buffs, straight shot AOE.
Stage 3 is fun. Big dmg and AOE(for two handers)

Now this is a class that is hard to 1v1 if someone knows it well. They can keep you in one spot and put a hurting on you while keeping their armor up.

Melee DPS through and through.
The different mutations really do offer different gameplay.
Brutality -Swordhand offers more roguelike play with positionals and bleeds.
Mutilation- Club has some(one lol) AOE and some stuns from what I remember, didn't play with this one too much seemed a tad spammy
Savagery- Claw/Crab is a mix of the other two really, allows a bit of everything

And your not the squishy melee dps so in a heavy fire you can last long enough to take a few enemies with you.
Now doesn't mean you can run in headfirst, you'll die lol.
But you can get into stickier situations than a WE/WH and escape alive.
Fun class that gives you choices and some decent survivability.

Now that's all the classes I really played to the point I think I can comment on them.
I tryed them all, but TBH I don't think I can comment on the others without truly playing them.

My final statement will be my concerns for WAR.
I really hope the other cities can be introduced within a year, and as free content updates. I have a little concern that they are going to be on a To-Do list that has no real time on it since Mythic has really avoided giving any kind of time frame at all.
Will there even be replacements for the 4 missing classes? Or will it be left in the dust? Again same as cities, except cities are promised for the future. Classes are not and may be scrapped altogether.

That's it. Game rocks! Responsiveness is near perfect at this point. Closer to WoW than DAOC. Very fluid and I am enjoying it. By launch I can almost say with 100% certainty that this will not be an issue.

Now for a side note:
This is not WoW!
Throw all your expectations from WoW out the window. Plays nothing like it.
Lvling per lvl is slower but you get more for it. Plus there is multiple lvling at once, guild, RvR, and PvE. TBH it's a side note. There is so much to do I barely realize when I ding.

PvP is NOT FFA run and gun fly in solo. If you run in alone, no matter what class, you will die in 5 seconds or less.
A small well played group can really own this game in scenarios, and even hold their own in Open RvR.
Learn your strengths and weaknesses and find people who can fill those slots and you will succeed.

Gear is near meaningless. You get new gear at every turn, you get so much I barely notice that Auction house isn't in yet, and I have no motivation to check it unless I really can't find something.
Skill is paramount. A lvl 5 can down a lvl 10 if he knows how to play and the 10 doesn't bother trying and thinks he's invincible.
I've seen a lvl 4 take down a fully decked out lvl 11, and I have done it a couple times myself when someone tries to be a hero.

For me,
Best MMO in years. Feels like Day 1 in WoW all over again, except I can see myself playing this for years and still wanting to get in to whoop some arse!

So, since we all get heavily and mercilessly fucked for Warhammer release, I won't tease people, I'm gonna wait for tonight to test the latest beta build by myself. But tbh, this game's been an awful beta where AoC been nice, maybe we can then expect a good game.


 Post subject: Re: [WAR]Warhammer review by Lovestobite
PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:05 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:51 pm
Posts: 299
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Nice and informative read.


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