
Which way are things going for WAR?
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Author:  Lys [ Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Which way are things going for WAR?

I've made a post on the Warhammer Alliance forums on a thread concerning the current state of the Order side on KEP.
The reason I'm asking is, because I want to know if it's going to be worth buying a gamecard for this game. I'm enjoying the game alot at this point but when I hear others, read the forums, I get disheartened a bit and I don't think I'm the only one.

What's happening guys? Can we do something about it? I know you're all great players and I'd love to see Boss prove its worth in this game, but it doesn't look good at this point. But if I know any of you even the tiniest bit, then I know you're not the sort to give up just now.
Especially you Amrix, I've read your post about Boss vs Des and it's inspiring to me.

But as I put in the post on WA, there is a snowball out there in the mists and it's getting bigger and bigger. Surely I'm not the only one who's hearing it coming?

Author:  Urizen [ Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which way are things going for WAR?

Firstly I want to tell you what you mean and I have thaught anout it also.I will definately continue to play the game as i enjoy it really much.If you see Destruction a little imba I believe that those things will improve in the future.At all MMO's at first there are differences towards one side but I hope that this will be better.

We can't really see all that is happening at the game as we are mainly try to lvl up.The main event for us will start at lvl40.All will work well.Think as you started a game and you play it at nightmare mode but that will give you bigger satisfaction when we wil emerge victorious(I hope).
Battle tactics will be made and we will win.Most of them joined destro because they think they are cooler and because they thaught that there will not many of them.

I say things will go just fine.We stick together,we play as a team and all will be well for us.
We just need to study our enemy(espionage action Solid Snake returns) and we will use our advantages and with the true alliances we will prevail.

P.S. An ironbreaker always hear the avalanche last and he presses shiled wall so don't worry m8 all will be fine and more fun is on the way....

Author:  Nofearz [ Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which way are things going for WAR?

I can say one thing only get all lvl40 as guild and we talk about this matter after that :) I say that will happen in 2 weeks from now :)

Author:  Athenais [ Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which way are things going for WAR?

Lys wrote:
I've made a post on the Warhammer Alliance forums on a thread concerning the current state of the Order side on KEP.
The reason I'm asking is, because I want to know if it's going to be worth buying a gamecard for this game. I'm enjoying the game alot at this point but when I hear others, read the forums, I get disheartened a bit and I don't think I'm the only one.

What's happening guys? Can we do something about it? I know you're all great players and I'd love to see Boss prove its worth in this game, but it doesn't look good at this point. But if I know any of you even the tiniest bit, then I know you're not the sort to give up just now.
Especially you Amrix, I've read your post about Boss vs Des and it's inspiring to me.

But as I put in the post on WA, there is a snowball out there in the mists and it's getting bigger and bigger. Surely I'm not the only one who's hearing it coming?

I have the same doubts if ill buy an game card, but i also just wana Test the order class's i like to try, and atm im found with the warrior priest and the Archmage, that will keep me in the game.

Author:  Goulielmous [ Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which way are things going for WAR?

why so many join destro? the same reason ppl joined alliance i WoW. These games were played before and then they were made an mmo so ppl have the tendency to decide before they start the game. exceptions are DaoC and AoC cause they never were popular before they were made an mmo. plain and simple IMHO. Blame dark elf...

Author:  Urizen [ Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which way are things going for WAR?

People join Destro I believe because as you said they joined alliance in WoW and at Warhammer I believe order is like the horde at WoW,fewer players but more skill I would like to believe.

All the fun will begin at open RvR I believe,as I played only once and I enjoyed it more than scenarios...

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