Well hello, it's been a long time. Some ex-DEFI (Lapeste, Albatard) and me had a chance to try Rift this week, since we're actually playing WoW and we're starving for fun and interesting PvP.
First of all, the game has a classic but kind of polished gameplay at early levels, classes trees system seem to be quite interesting (many possibilities) and the engine / tech side is all right so far. I played a lvl20 cleric and a lvl11 mage, didn't have the chance to play more. Leveling was nice, no "KILL 2000 BOARS, THREE OF THEM SPAWN EACH DAY GOOD LUCK" quest, lore is nice too, I liked the general mature / dark feeling. Besides that, Rift has alot of classic but cool features : mounts, crafting / harvesting customizable UI, achievements, artefacts collections, nervous PvP and smooth combat gameplay.
We played some PvP instances (warfronts) and at this range of level (11-19) PvP is okay but not that great, balancing is AWOL and you can basically stack good shit between classes trees like a mad cunt and you'll be as powerful as if God were driving a DeathStar. That said, I didn't expect solid balancing at this range of levels, so I won't whine like a little bitch about that.
I'm very eager to try the game at max lvl to see if, unlike WaR, Aion or AoC this game actually got an endgame content. Because basically the game has a "WoW for adults with PvP up your ass" feeling that makes me wet. Also, I'm pretty sure balancing between classes will be almost impossible (too many possibilities = herp derp balancing) and I don't want to spend my time again on one of those "ONE MONTH KTHXBYE" so-called next-gen MMOs. Game is promising, but the endgame content must be reaaaaaaaaally good to make people stay. Oh and also, you can't make ugly characters, that's sad. I mean it.
To conclude this, it's maybe good sign : KDS won't go to Rift, they're polishing their lightsabers to get ready to spam theirs "NEXT DIALOGUE OPTION PLZ I'M GETTING OLD" button and do shitty pve with lasers, Cartoon Network graphics and clunky gameplay. Hey, so this kind of guilds are actually ignoring Rift ? Well, maybe the game has a solid chance after all.