
Darkfall, the first few weeks
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Author:  Amrix [ Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Darkfall, the first few weeks

After a slow role out of Darkfall, we have managed to form a guild and started on our global conquest of Darkfall.

On EU-1 we have gone Maharim, which are the wolf-like creatures who are naturally allied to the Orcs. Although, racial alliances in Darkfall wear very thin, as soon as you go grey, there will always be a pack of wolves attaking you from the back trying to steal your loot.

That being said, FFA PVP is definately the way forward for any progressive MMO, and Darkfall is proving to be exicting and challenging for the PVP adrenaline junkies.

Is the game laggy at times? YES
Are the animations really basic and at times retarded? YES
Is it easy to Friendly-fire and in turn go grey/red and get ganked? YES
Are there many AFK newbs macro leveling skills (including me)? YES

But IS the game exciting and fun? YES

This is no carebear game, of course there isn't anything new in this game that we haven't already seen in other games like Neocron, but for the time being, we are beginning to make waves and having fun at the same time.

So far we have formed an alliance with our old enemies Bad Karma, and these guys are hardcore and dedicated gamers. Since they are also in game with only a handful of ex-warhammer players, this is certainly proving to be a very beneficial and fun alliance to be in. We hope to strengthen our ties and attract old Boss members to join us.

So far our active roster is:


Yes we are outnumbered, but isn't that how it's always been? Fighting against all odds and coming out on top. Contact Byronara or Me for anymore information, and as I've said many times before, you will either hate or love this game, but regardless of how the game is, if you have enjoyed FFA PVP with Boss in AOC or WAR, then join us and lets pwn some newbs and destroy some bases, the BOSS way!!!

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