loving the game, its def not darkfail as some have said, so much to do and always at risk even from friendly players or clans that have declared war with you (no safe zones), pvp and mounted pvp is intense and requires alot of getting used to and skill, pvp takes alot of coordination because of friendly fire. Everything you do even crafting and gathering builds up different base stats like strength, vit, int etc which helps you in pvp but the main thing you need is skill with the weapons, eg: hitting a player (alfar race) that is half your height and is running in circles around you is pretty hard, you need to aim down and time your swings and always keep your back from him and then also trying to parry another player hitting you with arrows, then if it all goes wrong you need to run, which means spawning your mount and jumping on before they jump on and ninja it :p
Currently I am using polearm as main attack with magic for ranged attacks and self healing, and a bow(if i have arrows). With a melee weapon u only start off with a basic attack, which you can switch to either hit directly infront or cleave(aoe). But as you lvl this skill you will be able to buy skills like knockback, a forward thrust or a move that is supposed to pull a player closer.
I'm crafting mainly as a bowyer and mainly farming resources/looting by gathering or looting other gatherers and crafting arrows/bows for self and the guild.
I'm having alot of fun in this game, its highly addictive - I love it and I hate it at the same time which is good, I love it cuz theres so much to do, but hate it because its hard and requires skill but that makes me play it more.
The only downside has been the 2 hour queues in the first couple weeks of me playing, but this has been fixed
I definately recommend more boss guys come and try it for a month once they allow more players on the server. Right now we need more active players because even though you can play solo its more fun/safe to fight in groups. Even though its probably easier to win with more players, without skill you cant always win, because theres no raid assist, no targetting, friendly fire - so pvp takes alot of coordination.