
This isnt good
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Author:  Kiwoo [ Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  This isnt good

We’ve been waiting for the pre-orders to process through billing and it has been moving along but not fast enough. We’re almost done with this. Many of you will be getting notifications of this during this process. As soon as this is concluded we’ll process the accounts and open up the servers for the pre-orders. This will be done tonight; the game has been ready and waiting. Unfortunately we’re running behind schedule as far as opening up the extra sales which we hoped to do tonight as well. We’ll do this tomorrow as early as possible, likely sometime around noon GMT time, around the time of our first scheduled maintenance. At this time we will also process the problematic accounts which had 0 euro problems, no charges, no balance, but received a successful pre-order message. We are also looking into the few cases that have pre-ordered but have not received a confirmation email and we will resolve all these issues. Most of these problems were due to a combination of lag, multiple sessions, and multiple charge attempts. We want to thank you for your patience again, and we would like to let you know that we’re adding a couple more days to the free month of play making them 33 for everyone that pre-ordered and that will buy the game tomorrow. This is to make up for any bad experience with the account management, the lag and the delays you’ve had to face with purchasing. The traffic volume we’ve been experiencing has been unbelievably high because of the initial rush and was compounded by users hammering the system with multiple sessions. You should also know that we have been doing everything necessary to resolve all these issues as soon as possible. We’ll post again as soon as the server is open. The forums will return shortly as well.

From the forums. basically if you read thru the wall of text they blaming customers for the problems where problem obviously was the inefficient servers they had to handle the traffic. Wow! good start, blame your potential customers for the situation.

If there system had been adequate, people wouldnt have had reason to constant refresh or try muliple sessions to get anywhere.

I suppose the 3 extra days is ok tho. If able to buy it tomorrow.

Wonder what the limit on sales will be tomorrow.

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