
Boss in Darkfall (the amrix review)
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Author:  Amrix [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Boss in Darkfall (the amrix review)

Well, as you know I've had darkfall for over a week now, and well I haven't had much time to play, however over this weekend, I did give it a proper go.

Darkfall is basically a game which you will either Love or Hate. And there are many many things to Love and to Hate. Some things are really annoying, like the Crappy Animations, sometimes its difficult to switch weapons, because you have to sheathe it and also the lag sometimes causes people to appear in a different posistions. Also, this runs like an FPS, but without the fps responsiveness that you find in games like CS or BF.

However, that being said, this is an MMO with FPS type combat, actually it reminds me a lot of Neocron, and if you have played Neocron, then this is almost a carbon copy, but with many many many more players. So what is there to love? Well FFA PVP. This game is basically PK after PK after PK after PK, and if your best buddy tries to steal your mob, or accidently hits you, then its PK... not only that, after you kill him, you can loot ALL of his items.

I think after initially hating this game, I actually really really love this concept, its bring a lot of adrenaline while playing, so when you are running, you really are running for your life. Also the cc is very very limited, which is good. Although it does take a long time to kill certain players, I think less CC is always better than too much CC. Actually, i prefer this game many many many many times more than War. And I would say its neck and neck with AOC, except has a lot more depth and client stabilty than AOC, so that is definately a plus. You can run the client for hour and hours without crashing, and that really make me happy.

Well as a PVP guild (as always), we are tiny, but very active (about 6), but with more of Boss joining us in DF, we will surely make an impact, if you are able to bear all the problems, I would invite all Boss to come and join us so we can grief other guilds. We are about to make an Alliance with Bad Karma who also have about 5-6 players, and will roam DF and hire ourselves as Mercenaries.

This will definately be a fun few months if more of you newbs will come join us. This game has a lot of depth, you just have to give it a chance, and will certainly fill the gap until the next awesome game comes out (globalagenda), however i remember SWG took about 1 year to get awesome, and this game remind me a lot of SWG, and since they haven't made millions of server, but only 1 atm, that means we arnen't going to see the same problem of AOC and WAR of empty servers after month 1.

Author:  Nofearz [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Boss in Darkfall (the amrix review)

Thanks for the informations would love to have more details about the game whenever u can :)
War atm is shit and since 1.2 the CC/AOE classes just dominate the game the melee have not hopes so far if nothing changes soon.

Ohh btw any clue when they open again the shop to buy the game?

Author:  Byronara [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Boss in Darkfall (the amrix review)

Nofearz wrote:
Thanks for the informations would love to have more details about the game whenever u can :)
War atm is shit and since 1.2 the CC/AOE classes just dominate the game the melee have not hopes so far if nothing changes soon.

Ohh btw any clue when they open again the shop to buy the game?

what more informations u want for game ? didnt u saw everything ? didnt we tell u everything we know ? then just stop being a QQer and go buy it when its avaible and test it ur self .

Author:  Nofearz [ Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Boss in Darkfall (the amrix review)

Ur blind or what im saying WAR is shit atm ....start reading posts before u post shit moron :)

Author:  Ying [ Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Boss in Darkfall (the amrix review)

I keep popping on vent when I get a chance to play to see if I can get an invite to the guild.

I'm an Alfar character, currently using sword/shield. haven't really gotten that far into the game but I started saving my gold up and ganked some guy that had shitloads of good armor and stole it for myself.

Currently stuck at the Hivekin queens quest, which I can't solo and couldn't find a group. :P

and yeah I agree, I absolutely fucking hated the game to begin with. I had never played anything so infuriating. Now I've started to enjoy it and get the hang of things.

Author:  Tabitha [ Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Boss in Darkfall (the amrix review)

Ohh i wanna play but the summer is coming now and i rly dont wanna be addicted to a new game now:p! Im sure the game is awesome since its almost a copy of ultima online.. and hardcore players are there and thats just a ++++! i will forsure join after the summer or something.. just gonna sell my aoc account if the game gets good and buy a df account :p!

Author:  Amrix [ Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Boss in Darkfall (the amrix review)

Tabitha wrote:
Ohh i wanna play but the summer is coming now and i rly dont wanna be addicted to a new game now:p! Im sure the game is awesome since its almost a copy of ultima online.. and hardcore players are there and thats just a ++++! i will forsure join after the summer or something.. just gonna sell my aoc account if the game gets good and buy a df account :p!

you don't have to hardcore, i'm lvling by leaving my pc on at nighttime and running a click program

Author:  Ying [ Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Boss in Darkfall (the amrix review)

aren't they banning un-attended macroing pretty fast?

Author:  Amrix [ Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Boss in Darkfall (the amrix review)

Ying wrote:
I keep popping on vent when I get a chance to play to see if I can get an invite to the guild.

I'm an Alfar character, currently using sword/shield. haven't really gotten that far into the game but I started saving my gold up and ganked some guy that had shitloads of good armor and stole it for myself.

Currently stuck at the Hivekin queens quest, which I can't solo and couldn't find a group. :P

and yeah I agree, I absolutely fucking hated the game to begin with. I had never played anything so infuriating. Now I've started to enjoy it and get the hang of things.

if you wanna play with us, you have to go wolf, and make your second name ColdBlood, then you will be really cool like us

Author:  Ying [ Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Boss in Darkfall (the amrix review)

my last name is alraedy ColdBlood, don't see myself rerolling from Alfar tbh.

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