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 Post subject: Re: AoC - update
PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:30 am 

Joined: Sun May 25, 2008 10:59 pm
Posts: 105
Sub runs out on 24th Dec. I guess I will wait and see what the mergers are like before deciding whether to renew. The idea of starting from scratch on another mmo just isn't appealing, AoC is still a lot of fun at the moment. Especially since they basically fixed most of the crap we were having to put up with in the beginning.

Here's a wee peek at a Demo dueling a HoX. Demo v HoX Gives you an idea of what casters can do now. Pay attention to round 2, where the demo has rooted the HoX and indulged in a wee bit of spellweaving before unloading.

The next update concentrates I believe on the much needed itemisation issue. Welcome fixes have been put in place for stats that were fubared, such as casting concentration. So the game is really still evolving into what should have been there at release.

Oh and THIS is what we did to the Spanish cheaters guild. Hence the cheesey end music ^^

We sieged them, and the bastards had hired [RUS corp] to help them. It was my first encounter with the Russian heavy ranged artillery. It was BRUTAL. Especially as a clothie. We managed to get our Ballistas is decent positions, and took down the walls, enabling us to get inside, and set up some trebuchet camps. But alas, the RUS ranged power was just too much for us, and we got AoE carpet bomb style from the towers. Lesson learned. In sieges, mage power owns.

You now spawn at a camp pretty close to the battlekeep. Not that it did us much good, but hey, it's a damn sight better than spawning in Poitain. :P

Tranca XxX

Level 80 Assassin

I had a look at some of Cantra's videos, and well, which father wouldn't
be proud when his daughter shows behavioural patterns that resemble the
ones of a serial killer.

 Post subject: Re: AoC - update
PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:53 am 

Joined: Tue May 27, 2008 1:13 pm
Posts: 183
your playing on fury Tranc?.. I actully went back to lotro so bad was aoc for me.. and the new skills and shit in lotro is pretty nice.. cant wait to freeps comes to etten again! no more raid inf so it will be the old good inf system.. no leechers!
But its still only ettenmoors and ettendeep.. they build the keeps another way tho and they came with something called outpost a small keep that you need to capture to get inside ettendeep..
Mp got alot more power.. spiders can mezz like lm aswell, rvr got pretty awesome dps now, wargs can track and debuff hard, bas do more dmg aswell..
its jammy:P!

Sorry for not being there at warhammer but i just got enuff of leveling on aoc :(!

 Post subject: Re: AoC - update
PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:31 pm 

Joined: Sun May 25, 2008 10:59 pm
Posts: 105
Hi Tab, Yeah on Fury atm. Logged on Wildsoul the other day. Rsam was asking where you were. I had no idea so I just guessed prison. Yeah I checked out the lotro skills, just the day before my sub ran out. Last time I actually played lotro, it was almost unplayable because of the lag. Really bad, don't know what's happened but the servers just cannot handle it.

I'm hoping that server merges on AoC will spark new life into some of the older guilds, and we can get some more sieging done. Working sieges, really are amazing. Shame it wasn't like that at the beginning.

Tranca XxX

Level 80 Assassin

I had a look at some of Cantra's videos, and well, which father wouldn't
be proud when his daughter shows behavioural patterns that resemble the
ones of a serial killer.

 Post subject: Re: AoC - update
PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:12 pm 

Joined: Tue May 27, 2008 1:13 pm
Posts: 183
aha oki:)! guess i need to transfer to fury when the time come and see.. i just got banned from lotro becoz a guy borrowed my account for a month and i didnt changes all the info so i was asking something about it becoz i wanted to get mines of moria.. next I got perma banned and what i got is: Unfortunately, providing other users with account details breaks our End User Licence Agreement and as such
then: This is a permanent ban and will not get lifted I'm afraid.
what an asshole of a guy:P!
Worked my ass to get smart to rank 9+ and they ban me becoz some other guy tested my account for a month!
fuck lotro:P!

 Post subject: Re: AoC - update
PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:12 pm 

Joined: Tue May 27, 2008 1:13 pm
Posts: 183
Dont lol amrix:P!

 Post subject: Re: AoC - update
PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:22 am 

Joined: Sun May 25, 2008 10:59 pm
Posts: 105
Sounds like you got shafted by a "100% by the book" GM. You may not have to transfer to Fury, because if the rumours are true Fury and Wildsoul will get merged. They started server mergers last week in the USA.

In the meantime you could always roll a demo, tos or necro on Fury. Since the caster tweaks everyone else has 8-) - I have a decent guild there, get you pl in dm to 80 in jig time. I don't pve much, not my thing, but they're in BRC every week, and the T1 stuff is on farm. T3 battlekeep buffs also help, as does the gear. 23% melee invuls, 20% magic :D

Let me know if you want to try that, and the name of your toon. I'll get you picked up and driven over to kesh and leveled.

Level 80 Assassin

I had a look at some of Cantra's videos, and well, which father wouldn't
be proud when his daughter shows behavioural patterns that resemble the
ones of a serial killer.

 Post subject: Re: AoC - update
PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:39 pm 

Joined: Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:54 pm
Posts: 5
Hmmmmmmm are DT still a badly gimped class ? because I rly liked my DT I just didn't like meeting other players and been asked to tank....... two things I think a DT should be able to handle

I'm rly hoping that Chosen don't turn out to be like DTs :p

 Post subject: Re: AoC - update
PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:51 am 

Joined: Sun May 25, 2008 10:59 pm
Posts: 105
Vulkanar wrote:
Hmmmmmmm are DT still a badly gimped class ? because I rly liked my DT I just didn't like meeting other players and been asked to tank....... two things I think a DT should be able to handle

I'm rly hoping that Chosen don't turn out to be like DTs :p

They fixed some of the issues, but imo DT still needs some looking at. Next patch they get a badly needed dps boost.

Next patch also introduces 3 new dungeons. One of them is a level 80 instanced one. And the Tarantia commons district. Where you pick which side to fight on, between two rival factions. DX10 at last is released too, and droppable loot from players.

To make the pvp more worldwide, they have introduced new resource nodes into the border kingdoms. These new nodes will yield resources which will be required to rebuild Battlekeeps. And these are the resources that players have a chance of dropping when you kill them. Also, there are no guards nor are there any murderer consequences in the Border regions.

I see a bloodbath coming shortly. Especially as there will be a lot of sieging going on after the server merges happen.

Level 80 Assassin

I had a look at some of Cantra's videos, and well, which father wouldn't
be proud when his daughter shows behavioural patterns that resemble the
ones of a serial killer.

 Post subject: Re: AoC - update
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:49 pm 

Joined: Tue May 27, 2008 1:13 pm
Posts: 183
Nice:)! You know if they will give us double taping back? no cd i mean!:)

 Post subject: Re: AoC - update
PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 12:26 am 

Joined: Sun May 25, 2008 10:59 pm
Posts: 105
Tabitha wrote:
Nice:)! You know if they will give us double taping back? no cd i mean!:)

They changed double tapping for a reason. You can still double tap of course, as many times as you want and still jump back or whatever. But the buff it gives is on a 6 second cooldown. Casters, and in particular Tosses, with their lower use of stamina were essentially abusing it, by making themselves virtually unhittable with a perma evade buff up.

But at the moment, casters don't need any more buffing. Spellweave just the first rank of it, gives a necro for example 100% crit chance on grip of death. It's insane to have that DoT on you and critting every tick. A Demo nuked a guildie the other day for 5.7k, Tosses aren't that far behind, but their storm crown/field with its new crit rate more than makes up for it.

Oh and Vulkan, forgot to say, they are redoing the graphic on DT armour set, to make it look more evil, all in black or something. Not exactly the "buff" the class needs but there you go thats FC for you :|

Level 80 Assassin

I had a look at some of Cantra's videos, and well, which father wouldn't
be proud when his daughter shows behavioural patterns that resemble the
ones of a serial killer.

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