Sub runs out on 24th Dec. I guess I will wait and see what the mergers are like before deciding whether to renew. The idea of starting from scratch on another mmo just isn't appealing, AoC is still a lot of fun at the moment. Especially since they basically fixed most of the crap we were having to put up with in the beginning.
Here's a wee peek at a Demo dueling a HoX.
Demo v HoX Gives you an idea of what casters can do now. Pay attention to round 2, where the demo has rooted the HoX and indulged in a wee bit of spellweaving before unloading.
The next update concentrates I believe on the much needed itemisation issue. Welcome fixes have been put in place for stats that were fubared, such as casting concentration. So the game is really still evolving into what should have been there at release.
Oh and
THIS is what we did to the Spanish cheaters guild. Hence the cheesey end music ^^
We sieged them, and the bastards had hired [RUS corp] to help them. It was my first encounter with the Russian heavy ranged artillery. It was BRUTAL. Especially as a clothie. We managed to get our Ballistas is decent positions, and took down the walls, enabling us to get inside, and set up some trebuchet camps. But alas, the RUS ranged power was just too much for us, and we got AoE carpet bomb style from the towers. Lesson learned. In sieges, mage power owns.
You now spawn at a camp pretty close to the battlekeep. Not that it did us much good, but hey, it's a damn sight better than spawning in Poitain.

Tranca XxX