
Endgame PvE broken
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Author:  Bondurant [ Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Endgame PvE broken

As of the patch on Thursday, June 26th, 2008 the raids seem broken

1. Yakhmar

(taken from US Raid&Tactics forum, also from personal experience)

"Yakhmar is insane. He spawns 4-6 adds about every 20 seconds or so, and doesn't stop til the raid is dead or he resets. We eventually found a way to make kiting work at first, but the fact that we had 18 adds every minute made it impossible. He's hardcore broken."


2. Vistrix

"Vistrix Dead...

Besides the problem with the dragon perma stun locking people and tanks ending up in his belly the encounter hasn't changed much.

Adds still get bugged though the scroll isn't stygian only anymore apparently"

3. Kylikki's Crypt

"Kylikki is hard to say. She seems to have a different script every time we zone in. Sometimes she doesn't run to crypts and it's tank and spank, sometimes she runs all over the place, really tough to tell."

"Kylikki's Crypts - No CC allowed now. Spellguards are now mini-raid bosses that wipe 24 man raids all on their own. What's the use of having any CC at all if not to help your raid? So much for Kylikki." (I personally thought the difficulty increase on the Spellguards is fine. The non-crowdcontrol was retarded).

On top of all this Funcom, you managed to nerf active shielding. I don't know if you guys are actually *PLAYING* this game and testing out your fixes, but it certainly doesn't seem so.

The raid bosses were better pre-patch, and thats not a good thing. You guys need to wake the fuck up and test your shit before you start losing even more customers.

This game is DEAD at level 80. The only thing you have given us is tier 1 raid content that you have completely fucked as of thursday. Thanks!

Source (beta account needed)

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