
PvP and PvE - they cant co-exist
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Author:  Jonath [ Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  PvP and PvE - they cant co-exist

title says pretty much everything - if they make a change to a class purely from a PvP point of view then it may well take away a huge part of playing that class in PvE. Same goes the other way round.

This has been the case in LOTRO - certain classes or skills are essential in PvE and OP in PvP so they get nerfed and have an adverse effect in PvE. Only now, 16 months after release, are they addressing how to get a decent balance between PvP and PvE.

However, where as LOTRO has a seperate area for PvP, here on AoC its a ffa server where we can experience 'endgame' raids and PvP.

So the devs have a real dilema, do they get the endgame raids up and working 100% or do they get the battle sieges up and working 100%, atm it seems like they are trying to do both at the sme time but failing to actually do anything except frustrate people.

Possibly the only reason i joined this game was for the PvP, im not too interested in hardcore PvE raids where i kill the same 10-15 bosses week in and week out. I want variety, but atm PvP is completely pointless - there is no risk/reward system at all and therefore it gets pretty noring pretty fast.

So heres hoping they shut down all the PvE servers and make it a proper PvP game :D

Author:  Athenais [ Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PvP and PvE - they cant co-exist

Lol then we have more cry babys, alot of players in the pvp servers trying to dodge pvp, almost in 55% of the group i have been in is dodgeing other groups then rather try to Beat them way hard, mayeb with an penalty of attking the same players over and over again will make cry players a bit happyer.

ps: i dont like player complaining in the general chat all the time :evil:

Author:  Bondurant [ Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PvP and PvE - they cant co-exist

Jonath wrote:
Possibly the only reason i joined this game was for the PvP, im not too interested in hardcore PvE raids where i kill the same 10-15 bosses week in and week out. I want variety, but atm PvP is completely pointless - there is no risk/reward system at all and therefore it gets pretty noring pretty fast.

An update content about PvP is on its way, did you read the Newsletter ?

Author:  Jonath [ Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PvP and PvE - they cant co-exist

Bondurant wrote:
Jonath wrote:
Possibly the only reason i joined this game was for the PvP, im not too interested in hardcore PvE raids where i kill the same 10-15 bosses week in and week out. I want variety, but atm PvP is completely pointless - there is no risk/reward system at all and therefore it gets pretty noring pretty fast.

An update content about PvP is on its way, did you read the Newsletter ?

was that the one that said the pvp system would be up and running by the end of june ?

if they do release it it will probably be bugged and crash the server :(

Author:  Bondurant [ Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PvP and PvE - they cant co-exist

Jonath wrote:
if they do release it it will probably be bugged and crash the server :(

If you want to be a doomsayer please go elsewhere.

Author:  Davo [ Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PvP and PvE - they cant co-exist

Bondurant wrote:
Jonath wrote:
if they do release it it will probably be bugged and crash the server :(

If you want to be a doomsayer please go elsewhere.

we all love a good whine :) i think the best thing to do is while they fix the pvp - roll an alt or focus on grinding resources for the guild!

Author:  Kiwoo [ Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PvP and PvE - they cant co-exist

One thing has to suffer for the other.

As i play Guardian, lets look at that. Complaints that they are hard to kill (no mention of low damage output) and cries of nerf nerf nerf. seen them plenty of times in game. So, Guardians max HP and resists gets nerfed. Mobs hit too hard then for the healing, healing gets buffed. Makes healers impossible to kill. So damage gets boosted. Puts huge advantage with healers, as they will now have higher healing, higher damage.

Nerf healing again, makes tanking impossible in end game, nerf mob damage output? etc etc

There doesnt exist a perfect balance, unless all classes are exactly the same. Which makes class diversity pointless.

There always winners and losers with every fight. Some losers look at how they did, and how to improve. the others look for an excuse to why they lost.

Another example, random PoM can kill every class except ToS. Class is fine, but ToS OP. (Not saying is true, just using as an example).

One way to balance pvp and pve on the same game, is to balance it for PVP then balance the mobs into it.

Author:  Kiwoo [ Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PvP and PvE - they cant co-exist

Bondurant wrote:
Jonath wrote:
if they do release it it will probably be bugged and crash the server :(

If you want to be a doomsayer please go elsewhere.

With state of the game, think its more of a prediction. Personally i hope the PvP patch is delayed and given ample time to be tested on live test than to be rushed out for there unrealistic deadline and fall flat.

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