Blaster wrote:
Davo wrote:
Anders wrote:
Ok then, dunno if this is answered some place, but here goes:
Will the edit layout function get fixed (lot of problems with portraits jumping around and not staying at positions), and maybe added more options? For example more freedom to edit castbar, and edit (remove) portrait, for a cleaner look.
That's working as intended. All you need to do is when you move something like your player portrait make sure its not linked/touching anything else.
or the oposite... always make sure its not flowing there alone and its attached to something else
this requires personal testing though, at alpha, my UI layout always changes a bit after some patches...
No, you are both wrong :d I tested it out yesterday, and i couldn't get it to stay where I wanted it to stay, both when I linked it and when i
made sure it wasn't attached to something. This was specially difficult with target, and target of target portraits.
So I really hope it's not working as intended :p