Character information
Name / Level / Career / Race: Ajesto/ 27 / Marksman Career Trees: Marksman for now, undecided, needs some tweaking Professions: Butchering, Outfitting and mining Playstyle: Hardcore PVP
Personal information Nationality: Norwegian Age / Gender: 23/Male
Previous MMOs Experience Tibia: A simple graphiced 2d mmo with crucial death penalty and the most awesome pvp system ever. Aim with cursor to hit, if you die you loose 6 hours of hard grinding. I had 2 server first lvl 100 in that game, and dominated two servers for well over 5 years together. I would boldly and a little cocky state that I was the best Norwegian player in that game. Why? My stats, lvl, effort, and skill tells me I am right.
Lets move along to wow, which ive played since vanilla. Almost got Grand Marshall on my warrior, but fell short every week and stayed a field marshall, proboly due to doing pve at the same time, (not much school that year) I then made a hunter which is raided pretty hardcore with, through the rest of wow to the current date. With my hunter I dident get anything worth mentioning, but was a hardcore raider who downed all the content. I have now quit wow and seek new challanges in Rift.
Messed around with AoC at release, got to 80 but the game was just broken and quit like everyone else this. Another thing worth mentioning is that I am a competetive COD and FIFA player, and won a regional fifa contest in 2009. Ive always been one of the most dedicated and active players in my guilds, hopefully ill find some like minded people here.
My past is a mix of heavily pvp focused guilds, with a few years of pve, but what I enjoyed the most is hardcore PVP/WAR guilds in the game of Tibia. I my guild on Tibia called Rexis I was a vice leader/officer who fixed alot of ingame problems, it was a kind of game where everyone could punish anyone and it was alot of it. I was also a battlecommander in my younger days, leading my troops to battle, the worst outcome would be that we all lost 6 hours of hard grinding if we did, so it was no biggie, no pressure at all! Jokes aside, it was intense, and if the troops had a bad feeling or in anyway felt like it was a bad day, it would all go to hell. Oh the horror! My best moments ever was one day when we stood 35 people on a boat, I played the William Wallace speech on ventrilo, while everyone listened, when it was over everyone went bananas and we stormed out and wooped 65 polacks to their graves with only 3 casulties. Thoose were the glory days!
Availability: 08.00 - 04.00, I play when there is something happening Days / Times: Pretty much all week. Grind Endurance: Spent 9 years in all out grindgame, with 2 first lvl 100s, so I am top notch Ability and willpower to read up on forums: High, its important to keep an active community Voice Comms with microphone is mandatory, is this a problem for you ?: No, its highly needed for both playing and social aspects of the game and is a must for me.
Expectations What are your expectations from Rift? I expect Rift to be a highly competetive PVP game where you can challange yourselfe on many areas of PVP. I expect it to entertain me and challange me as a player to help me envolve my skills and become a better player.
What do you want to achieve in this game ? I want to achive serverwide fear of my guild, I want them to know our names, run away when they see us, and thinking oh fuck when they are busy trying to take down a rift we want. I want other pvp guilds thinking twice before challanging us to a raid vs raid. And I want to achive a lot of fun, a great character and most of all a superb guild atmosphere.
Boss Why Boss? You seem to have all the qualities I search, after a few forum posts and PMs with Amrix I am certain you are exactly like me, and want the same things as I do ingame, and therefor its a perfect match.
Who can vouch for you in Boss? I dont know anyone in Boss. Last guilds name (and reason for leaving)?
Ive been in dozens of guild over my 12 year online career, everything from hardcore pve and pvp too casual and social guilds. What I enjoy most is the semihardcore-hardcore pvp guilds or war guilds in my history.
Been in a few good wow guilds, the best which I cannot remember the name of (lol, 5 years does that to you) held the record for the fastest molten core run for a few months.
The guild Ive spent most time in is a guild called Rexis in the guild of Tibia. We dominated for several years and were the servers leading guild for ages.
Reasons for leaving are mainly disbands, expansions breaking it down, or people simply moving on to other stuff or games.
Rate yourself from 1-10 (10 being the best, 5 being average, 1 being little experience) Teamplay (1-10) 10 PVP Skill (1-10) 9 PVP Experience (1-10) 10 Survivability (1-10) 9 Ability to follow instructions (1-10) 10 Maybe a little to high, but I got high expectations to myself, without goals you will fall through
I wanna add a little short segment about my self at the end. I am a fairly active player, because I do alot of studying at home, programming, assembling, tweaking and working on and with pcs. I remote my school pc from home, so I dont have to go to school every day, (suits me perfectly)
Which means I am up at mornings, afternoons, midday, and basicly all the way untill 0500 if something happens ingame. So I am basicly around the clock player, very flexible and can attend pretty much everything.
I've been around for more than a decade, I played way over average on any game I played, and dominated in one which can be catigorised as "100% my type of game"
I am active, dedicated, mature, social, friendly, experienced, adaptable, focused, got the hardcore mentality, strives to be the best and wants to be succesfull. I am a huge competetor and hate to loose, you should see my drawr with broken ps3 controlls.
_________________ Bazinga!