Crunk wrote:
GGthx wrote:
Grind endurance = fail
Same day as applying, applicant is asked to group with us, in order to establish play style skills etc. Then asks to remove their app ?
Makes me thinks maybe he used the scatter gun, applied to numerous guilds, and someone else not so selective.
Shame really I was looking forward to talking about "the angry elves" on DAoC
Look mate, putting all my eggs into a basket that is closed at this point is just suicide if i want to get a good group to play with. I'm sure you can understand
You had stopped recruitment and i decided to apply anyways, thats on me. But if you're full you're full right? even if you like me i might not actually get the spot in the guild. You get where im going with this right?
If you wanna check the other guilds forums yourself, go ahead i wont have made an application there, is it really that hard to trust me? ;(
I have not applied to any other guilds as of yet, but when/if i will i dont want to look like a retard whos applied to all the other guilds out there and got rejected(which i am not). I'm fairly certain that I'm way behind you guys in beta now and will probably have to use the next one to level and just level and wont get to group much with you at all. If you wanna talk about the Svartalfs or Ellyls just hit me up on irc homie!
i like the fact you are persistant, i like the fact that you still applied, i like the fact that you played daoc, the problem is, if i recruit you, then i'm gonna get another 10+ newbs do the same thing, and its just a headache... we don't wanna become a zerg guild, otherwise, i'd just take anyone and recruit 100+ and ravage the server like ruscorp, but that's just boring...
beta don't matter, all that matters right now is someone vouching for you... and if you are good at pvp, i don't think you will have a problem getting someone to do that... if you are "that good at pvp"...