Character information
Profession(s):not chosen yet
Playing style:pvp
PvP experience:guild wars(over a year) wow(over 3 years)
PvE experience:wow
Alts:54ranger called Drizz
Personal information
Previous MMO Experience:wow, eve, rf online
Additional info: i played wow for over 3 years getting full s3 in pvp an getting 4/5t6 in pve could of gone further but lost love for the game after that also dabbled in eve online for the pvp in that game didnt last as long as wow but was fun to play, cause i hammered pve so much in wow looking for mainly pvp now in AoC but still wont mind the odd pve, have a 54ranger that i started on release if i had gone with ToS from start would be alot higher level then i am atm
Days/times:everyday after work at about 17:00 firdays i go out to pub
Grind Endurance (in terms of gold/Resource grinding) (1-5, 1=lowest, 5= highest):4
Ability and willpower to read up on forum once a day (yes/no):yes
Ventrilo is mandatory whenever you play, is this a problem for you?:not a problem have mic an vent/ts
What are your expectations from AoC: im expecting great end game pvp although at this time still loads of bugs to be flattened out im sure this will be no problem as everygame is never quite finished on realease day
Why Boss? because you are well organised and from what i been reading on AoC forums you are already enjoying yourselves with end game pvp
i see many of you running about and wish to be in the same guild with u all starting the sieges.
Who can vouch for you in Boss? sadly dont no any1 in this guild yet
Last guilds name and reason for leaving? Wolves of Europe- ran by some1 who is 8years younger then me was a put off from the start