Hello there chaps & chapettes
Bumped into Corine earlier and was told that we should say hi on your board so here it goes.
My characters name is Jabski and I'm an old git, so old in fact I used to play on a game called Star Wars Galaxies what seems like a lifetime ago. (and yes it was very far away) Now I was told that you chaps are are made up of people from a guild that we used to hang around with back on Chimaera.
Both myself and Vistorx are currently starting off the ol R-A guild again and we are so far loving Conan land and hope to be around for a while. Hopefully when i get enough points in politican we will be able to start building a city and get some dancers in.
Anyhow I seem to be rambling again so now Ill stop, but not before I say nice to meet you all and we are there for you to call on when you ready to kick some more Imperial, err, bad guy butt!
Jabski InsidiousWretch Stress