Character information
Level:78* 80 today. 3 juli
Class:Priest of Mitria
Playing style:Pvp/grinder
PvP experience:Arhclord was in top guild, Guildwars 2years. was in Esoteric Warriors was an top 5 guild ranked.
PvE experience:i dont like pve that much, but in AoC that all chanced
Alts:Esotric DT lvl 53
Personal information
Nationality:The Netherlands
Previous MMO Experience:Guildwars 2 yrs /Lineage II/Arhclord 1yrs /little bit WoW/Kickz Online/LoftR Beta/Cabal/Rohan/CoH/Shaiya.
Additional info:Activly playing AOC
Availability Very Active
Days/times: Uhm Depends on m8's dropping by
Grind Endurance (in terms of gold/Resource grinding) (1-5, 1=lowest, 5= highest): 5 Houres
Ability and willpower to read up on forum once a day (yes/no): Yes
Ventrilo is mandatory whenever you play, is this a problem for you?: No probs
What are your expectations from AoC: Have an good guild/clan backing each other up in pvp/pve, and have an gg time.
Why Boss? Cuz the very first time i saw the guild going in Citern or other based caves like an team, almost never saw them with Pugs, kinda like an Team Guild,and im used to those kinda Guild be seruies and all,and high lvl pvp standart.
Who can vouch for you in Boss? Uhm Idont think i got an Vouch of noone....
Last guilds name and reason for leaving? Knight's of the Black sun, i didnt realy left at home there and kinda an small grp of players who where online there, didnt realy cumminicate good, and there where few of my lvl range also, i thiught there more of an weekend gamers,i seek something more Spicy
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