Name / Level / Career / Race Sneakguy/5+/Shadow Warrior/ high Elf.
Career Trees N/A
Professions Sill havent choose'd 1
Playstyle Range DPS, range support.
Personal informationNationality Dutch.
Age / Gender 24 ~Male.
Previous MMOs Experience [WoW] , but very little exp in the game played till lvl 12 on trial , not my kinda game [GuildWars] My very first long subcribe game i have played and i played an Mesmer and an healer class, i got picked up by [EW] esotric Warriors, after faceing them in pvp arena's and i got enetrd in an guild, i didnt know they where the top of europe in that time, so did massife amount of GvG /siege's, and group pvp,played all kind of builds, i got to learn about ventrilo and teamspeak, they learnd me alot, im a good listener, i have VT and Teamspeak, i speak english whell, traveling to germany for the guilwars tournament faceing koreans and other nationality's i maked some good cash of it$, other mmo's are AoC got 2 lvl 80's with epic sets, kickz online , currently close beta testing Football super stars, also played Arhclord pvp base game also siege's and group pvp hardcore.
AvailabilityDays / Times atm i got part time job, to bay my bils i work 5 houres an 4 day , 3 in work days 1 in the weekends the end of my days i play 3houres, and my free days alot more around 7-8 + hours.
Grind Endurance Hardcore, if i must, i dont know if grinding is effectif in warhammer atm.
Ability and willpower to read up on forums I'm willing to read and post topics on the forums, atleast before i play games, knownlage is power, spcialy in Games.
Ventrilo with microphone is mandatory, is this a problem for you ? No probly its an standart costume for me to hup on and listen and speak
ExpectationsWhat are your expectations from Warhammer Online ? living the live i had on Guildwars = Hardcore guild wich alot of foward thinking, and have alot of fun, cuz winning and gaining alot of ranks with ur guild and self is FUn
What do you want to achieve in this game ? Alot of pvp and pve , with guild.
Why Boss? U guy's play as an Team - move games as an Familiy, thats how an Clan/guilds should be, do it all together and rule togheter
Who can vouch for you in Boss? Luva, i played with him back in the days in eXile, we where both impressed with [Boss] play style.
Last guilds name and reason for leaving? eXile, same like luva, that they arnt that sruies about pvp, now they are atm, cuz they had gems and killed over 5k player eaach of them , so they think if 1 hitting is something to be proud of, im out of there, and my current guild Darkwind, im want to leave them just looking for the right guild/Clan to move to, darkwind isnt my style of guild not deticated as they would say.
I hope to be part of such an amazing guild, ill be of great use for u guy's.
and atm, i dont know wich server u guy's are in lol, im willing to move and play the same clas or, if u guy's are Order, il make an order class and get lvls fast