I've made a
post on the Warhammer Alliance forums on a thread concerning the current state of the Order side on KEP.
The reason I'm asking is, because I want to know if it's going to be worth buying a gamecard for this game. I'm enjoying the game alot at this point but when I hear others, read the forums, I get disheartened a bit and I don't think I'm the only one.
What's happening guys? Can we do something about it? I know you're all great players and I'd love to see Boss prove its worth in this game, but it doesn't look good at this point. But if I know any of you even the tiniest bit, then I know you're not the sort to give up just now.
Especially you Amrix, I've read your post about Boss vs Des and it's inspiring to me.
But as I put in the post on WA, there is a snowball out there in the mists and it's getting bigger and bigger. Surely I'm not the only one who's hearing it coming?