Character information
Name / Level / Career / Race:
Ithaquelina 27 Shadow Warrior High Elf
Career Trees:
Going Skirmish, seems to be a solid pvp tree.
Salvaging and talisman making
What can I say. I go with the plan on Boss fights and like doing dmg.
Personal information
Age / Gender
27 Male
Previous MMOs Experience
Mainly WoW really, and a little Lineage tbh.
Days / Times:
Well, I play almost every day exept the ones i am at work or in the %&*$ army.
Grind Endurance:
Not what it used to be but still think I got what it takes.
Ability and willpower to read up on forums:
I can prolly do that
and have no problem doing it.
What are your expectations from Warhammer Online ?
A fun PvP game to make me have some good times and meet new people.
What do you want to achieve in this game ?
Having fun mostly, and taking a Destro city wouldnt be bad at all ofc.
Why Boss?
Cause as I can see you are a serious guild regarding the game and also I know Rachira and Goulielmus IRL and see your progress.
Who can vouch for you in Boss?
As I said Rachira and Goulielmus are friends and prolly can say a good word for me
Last guilds name and reason for leaving?
Ravenscroft cause they didnt seem to play as a team sth I really hate on MMORPG's
Hope to hear from you soon.