This is what I currently use: ... d1g5h3j1u1I went to that after being full reaver for leveling.What does this spec provice:
All around good DPS , with primary ability being Cyclone of Steel X and IX. All feets that augment its damage are chosen.Haste + Predatory Insticts which are very very good for the level you can choose them.At least -ONE- AoE stun, with Earth Shatter, and an -oh shit- ability with No Escape.Feats that add movement impering effects and lower the cooldown use to both Clobber-Stunning Punch.
A bit of survivability with added resistances to melee, spell dmg, and fear effects.
Now this spec, is a bit wierd, cause I'm making some tests, mainly due to not knowing whats the exact percentage of Escape Artist for example to remove snares-root.Cheat the Reaper as testing purposes as well.
If you want to do more dmg however, and lower survivability, you could:
Remove the Cheat the Reaper feat selection, and remove feats from Resistances.Add 2 feats to Escape Artist to get it to max, and put more feats to Sever. Now Sever always does 85-141 dmg, BUT, each feat you go beyond the 1rst, you get a higher % to get a Sever proc. Think it like an extra DD proc from your mainhand weapon, and more damage is always better. Since the primary DPS ability used here, is Cyclone of Steel X which does around 10 hits, getting 3 Sever procs in that combo means 250-380 dmg more, which is like an extra swing.
I wouldnt bother with the DoT procs, but still it can be a viable way of PvPing. Depends if you are solo or PVPing with a group, mostly, since when we focus targets or call targets out, DoTs of around 40-50hp per tick wont make much of a difference here, but abilities in the General tree like Excellent Ballance , Escape Artist and even Second Wind ( which ticks for like 215 stam / tick btw, even for a 10min cooldown, allows you to chase down a sprinting caster, or sprint back to your team and still be able to have stam to execute combos, paired with haste and a stam pot, and barbs are probably the faster moving characters in game on foot) can be quite valuable to situations.
Until we get a better feeling of the end-game pvp, the pvp armor, more socketed lv80 items, and group set ups, and we are well aware of our pvp roles (caster killers, scouters, what ever), this will be my spec with some minor changes.
This spec results in:
Less DPS than a FULL reaver spec'ed barbarian, but more STUNS as well, and added movement impering effects on targets.
Less and lower-lasting STUNS and CC than a FULL BERSERKER barbarian, but more viable DPS.
Reaver tree is alright, there are a couple more talents in there that are worth looking than the ones I've chosen, but you have to go deep into the tree.
The ones that are a MUST though are:
Predatory Insticts.
All CoS dmg augement feats.
Too Many to Count (This feat is a killer, for the price of one feat, you get an activated ability based on how many living -foes- which counts enemy PCs but NPCs as well that are alive in the area, I've seen things like a 25% dmg increase buff from that feat only)
Overpower, Impale and Armageddon Falls, are all feats I've used during my leveling process, and while they did make a big DPS difference, until the actuall added stats from items come into play, and we have more evade from added dex , I'll just leave them alone. I might be tempted though and drop like 10 feats from the General tree and do something like this: ... a5b3d1g1j3But like I said, it will all become a bit more clear once we do find out our primary roles in PvP, if we'd have to go all out and spec pure DPS, if we'll have to stay Berserkers for AoE stuns, or get a mix.
If you have the money to respec, grab two Bluesteel Longswords, and give it a try. Perhaps you will like it.Of course you might have to consider some gear choices, but so far I've found very nice greens for +1h slashing dmg.