Enjoy! Any questions, just send me a /tell in-game: Diction or Knuckledust
DictionLevel: 58
Class: Ranger
Race: Cimmerian
Profession(s): Weaponsmith/Armorsmith(by mistake)
Playing style: Dedicated. I love PvP, not so much instanced stuff, but open world. Big epic battles that you'll always remember.
PvP experience: Some of my PvP comes from EvE online, a little in LOTRO, if you can call it PvP and of course WoW and currently AoC, which is my only MMO and will be my last(probably). Unless i find a new bunch of friends to migrate with in 5 years time.
PvE experience: Spent a long time raiding in WoW as a Rogue, all Tier 1, Tier 2 and some Tier 3. I quit after TBC, because nothing felt new and i was waiting on AoC for years.
Alts: Currently i have a level 44 Bear Shaman, which potentially could be my main character as Ranger is played a lot and finding a guild and even groups can be tough. Everyone needs healing!
Personal informationNationality: UK
Age: 28
Previous MMO Experience: Started playing EvE-Online back in 2003, i'd heard a lot about it and Star Wars Galaxies, but the idea of flying a Titan(at the time) sounded great. Little did i realise the time and money it would take. I played WoW for 2 years or so, PvE with some friends, mostly end-game raiding, BWL, Naxx etc I played a Minstrel in LOTRO to level 42 and quit due to just being mind-numbingly bored with it, and the lack of real PvP.
Additional info: There's a lot of Rangers in the game, but i'm very active, be it in guild chat, with groups, grinding for whatever reason. I'm not a coaster looking for an easy time, i'm looking for a guild that has some balls and didn't accidentally click the 'PvP' button.
AvailabilityDays/times: 7 days a week.
Grind Endurability (1-5, 1=lowest, 5= highest): 5 - I can grind for hours, doesn't bother me really. Some music, or a DVD to keep you company is all i need.
Ability and willpower to read up on forum once a day (yes/no): Yes, more than once. Everyone loves to post jokes or youtube videos
ExpectationsWhat are your expectations from AoC: Fun and of course: FEPvP - F*cking Epic PvP - That's my expectations.
BossWhy Boss? Seems like Boss are very active and that's what i'm after.
Who can vouch for you in Boss? Most likely nobody. I can't vouch for myself and i've never grouped with anyone from BOSS.
Last guilds name and reason for leaving? The Ancients - Nice guys, full Tier 1 keep, but not enough active members, very little talk about any plans for the guilds future, and i'm looking towards the long term.